Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

The Transformative Energy of Scorpio Season

Dive deep into the magic and intensity of Scorpio season. Known for its themes of transformation, rebirth, and desire, Scorpio season invites us to face our fears and unlock the power within. Explore how this season is about more than just the ‘dark and scary’—it’s about reclaiming your personal power, shedding old layers, and manifesting the desires that live inside of you.

What do you think about when I say Scorpio season? Scorpio season is strongly identified with its darker, more intense themes.

You hear words like

power, control, manipulation, obsession, healing, sex, and even death.

It’s a season associated with intensity and transformation.

But here’s the truth: Scorpio season is also one of the most beautiful and liberating times of the year. I may be biased, as a strong Scorpio myself, but here me out-

It’s beautiful because it’s about finding your own power. It’s about shedding the layers of fear and doubt that have held you back for so long—those memories where fear was in the driver’s seat. It’s a season that asks you to release the parts of yourself that no longer serve you so that you can step fully into your desires.

When you truly look in the mirror—when you see yourself for the beauty, passion, and love that you are—you realize that you already hold the power to fulfill your wildest dreams. Your deepest desires don’t live outside of you. They’re already within you, waiting for you to claim them. 

The Power of Desire

Scorpio season is deeply tied to the concept of desire. But unlike the usual desire for external things, this is about what we crave within ourselves. It’s a season of reclaiming power—of finding our inner strength. But in order to do that, we have to confront the things we’ve buried. We have to shed old versions of ourselves. And that’s not easy.

We often associate Scorpio season , and even the Scorpio placements in our birth chart, with darkness because we haven’t stopped to really look within yet. Astrologically, this time of year is about introspection. And if we take cues from mother nature, we see that nature herself is retreating inward as winter approaches. Just like the trees shedding their leaves, we, too, are asked to shed what no longer serves us.

Facing the Fear

But here’s where it gets tricky: confronting yourself can be terrifying. We live in a world of constant external validation. So, when we’re asked to look inward, inside of our secret places, the acknowledgment of our true feelings and desires,  it feels uncomfortable. The fear we feel? It isn’t real. It’s something we’ve created within ourselves. That fear of what others will think, that self-doubt, those limiting beliefs—they all start from within.

The process of confronting these fears, your habits, where they come from, and the real truth is - that can be painful. We realize how much of our lives we’ve spent giving away our power, waiting for that fear to go away, but it never does—because the fear isn’t outside of us. It’s inside. The monsters we fear are our own creations.

Fulfilling Our Own Desires

And so, this season asks us to fulfill our desires—not by looking outside for validation or approval, but by giving ourselves what we need. True joy, true passion, true happiness—they all start from within. And when you begin to give yourself those things internally, everything external becomes a bonus.

You can’t truly receive what you desire from the world if you don’t already hold it within you. And to do that, you have to let go of the past, the pain, the fear that's taking up all of the space - weighing you down, draining you-  That’s the essence of Scorpio season. It’s about healing and transformation. It’s about confronting your inner monsters and reclaiming the power you’ve given away.

Healing and Rebirth

Scorpio season is a time to ask ourselves: where have we given our power away? And it’s a time to take that power back. No more external sources of validation. No more giving away your control. This season says: You are your own source of power. You are your own source of magic. And it all starts within.

Believing in that power can be scary because it forces us to acknowledge just how much we’ve given it away. But once you reclaim it, that’s where the real transformation begins.

Reclaiming Your Power

As the Sun journeys through the sign of Scorpio, it activates the Scorpio-ruled area of your birth chart, bringing transformation and renewal to this part of your life. By identifying which house or houses you have Scorpio in, you can harness the intense energy of this season to focus on personal transformation, cultivate your magnetism, and explore what ignites your passion. Use this guide to understand how Scorpio’s influence in each house can inspire deep, meaningful growth and help you align with the powerful energy of rebirth and desire during this transformative season.

1st House (Self and Identity)

        •Transform: Work on self-image and personal branding. Embrace authenticity.

        •Magnetism: Present your true self confidently; engage in activities that boost self-esteem.

        •Passion: Explore personal interests that ignite your spirit; redefine who you want to be.


2nd House (Values and Finances)

        •Transform: Shift your relationship with money and self-worth.

        •Magnetism: Cultivate a sense of value; focus on what you love and desire in life.

        •Passion: Invest in experiences that bring joy; explore creative ways to enhance financial abundance.

3rd House (Communication and Learning)

         •Transform: Improve communication skills and deepen connections with others.

        •Magnetism: Share your ideas boldly; engage in conversations that inspire.

        •Passion: Pursue subjects or hobbies that excite you; take classes or workshops that fuel your curiosity.


4th House (Home and Family)

        •Transform: Redefine your sense of home and emotional security.

        •Magnetism: Create a nurturing environment that reflects your essence; connect with family authentically.

        •Passion: Invest time in home improvement or family traditions that bring joy; strengthen bonds with loved ones.


5th House (Creativity and Romance)

        •Transform: Tap into your creative potential and romantic desires.

        •Magnetism: Express yourself artistically; let your passions shine through in social settings.

        •Passion: Explore hobbies that ignite joy; embrace romantic adventures that deepen connections.


6th House (Work and Health)

        •Transform: Reassess your approach to work-life balance and health routines.

        •Magnetism: Approach tasks with enthusiasm; maintain a positive attitude towards work.

        •Passion: Incorporate wellness practices that invigorate you; find purpose in your daily tasks.


7th House (Partnerships)

        •Transform: Evaluate your relationships and patterns in partnerships.

        •Magnetism: Be open and authentic in relationships; attract meaningful connections through honesty.

        •Passion: Invest in nurturing and deepening your partnerships; engage in activities together that fuel your bond.


8th House (Transformation and Shared Resources)

        •Transform: Embrace deep emotional healing and shared resources.

        •Magnetism: Show vulnerability; allow others to see your depth and strength.

        •Passion: Explore intimate connections and shared experiences; dive into transformative practices like therapy or group work.


9th House (Philosophy and Travel)

        •Transform: Expand your worldview and explore new philosophies.

        •Magnetism: Share your beliefs confidently; engage in discussions that inspire others.

        •Passion: Seek out travel experiences that ignite adventure; study subjects that challenge your perspective.


10th House (Career and Public Image)

        •Transform: Redefine your career goals and public persona.

        •Magnetism: Project confidence and ambition in professional settings; be seen as a leader.

        •Passion: Pursue career paths that resonate with your values; engage in networking opportunities that fuel your ambition.


11th House (Friendships and Community)

        •Transform: Reassess your social circles and contributions to the community.

        •Magnetism: Be a supportive friend; attract like-minded individuals through your energy.

        •Passion: Get involved in community projects; seek out friendships that inspire you and share your passions.


12th House (Spirituality and the Subconscious)

        •Transform: Dive deep into spiritual practices and inner healing.

        •Magnetism: Embrace your intuition; create a peaceful aura that draws others in.

        •Passion: Explore spiritual or creative outlets like meditation, art, or writing; connect with your subconscious desires

I want to leave you with this: Scorpio season is a time of incredible transformation. It’s about stepping into your power, shedding the old layers that no longer serve you, and claiming the desires that live within you. This is your season of rebirth—where you confront your fears and emerge stronger, more aligned, and ready to manifest the life you truly desire.

And to all my fellow Scorpio darlings—happy solar return! I can’t wait to see how you celebrate this transformative time, and I look forward to sharing how I’ll be celebrating as well.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aries Full Moon

October 17th, 2024 | 6:26am Central Time | 24° Aries

This is a moment of initiation—or a breaking point….because this Full Moon is asking you to get uncomfortable for your own good.

You might feel a deep urge to push past complacency, to finally take action on something you’ve been holding back on, or you might be feeling the discomfort that comes with stepping outside your comfort zone. But here’s the thing: growth doesn’t come without a little discomfort, and this Full Moon is here to remind us of that.

Astrologically, this Full Moon brings intense energy. The Sun in Libra opposes the Moon in Aries, while both square Pluto and Mars, creating tension. Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, pushes us toward personal power through destruction and healing. Mars, ruler of Aries, adds heat—its aggressive, courageous energy driving us to take action and face challenges head-on. Meanwhile, Chiron, the wounded healer, is conjunct the Moon, reminding us that true healing often comes with discomfort, but the outcome is a stronger, more empowered version of ourselves. These conditions set the stage for deep transformation and tell us that sometimes we need to be pushed into action, even for the things we deeply want and dream of. As humans, we don’t naturally gravitate toward discomfort. Our subconscious is designed to keep us safe, so we avoid it. That’s why we need the support of Aries energy and the push from Pluto to get uncomfortable for our own good.

I keep thinking about the quote:

“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” - John A. Shedd

(Mars roars, as Pluto pushes you out the door…)

This energy highlights areas where you may have sacrificed your peace to keep the peace. Where have you made yourself small or quieted your desires to avoid rocking the boat? Or maybe…you're finally so sick of your own shit, you have no choice but to make change. This Full Moon will shine a light on those places and may give you the nudge (or kick) you need to finally make a move you wouldn’t otherwise.

The best advice for navigating this energy is to watch your emotions leading up to the Full Moon. Avoid hasty decisions or impulsive reactions. Instead, use this raw energy as fuel to move forward if you’ve been feeling stuck. It’s time to rely on your own inner strength, take matters into your own hands, and lead from a place of power—ensuring that confidence doesn’t stem from arrogance, but from the true power of your heart and soul.

You’ll likely feel a strong urge to move your body to release that pent-up energy. Anything you’ve been holding onto may feel like it’s about to explode.

Look back in your journal, your camera roll, or think back to what was going on for you April 8th, 2024.

This moon represents the culmination of a six-month journey that began with the Aries Solar Eclipse in April—an invitation to step into your independence, speak your truth, and take courageous leaps, even when it feels like an uphill battle.

At the Full Moon we celebrate our wins, how far we've come, and what we've concurred, but it’s also when we reflect on what we need to release and let go of in order to move forward.  This is a time to release old patterns of self-sabotage, indecision, or external validation that have been holding you back from fully stepping into your power.

 Speaking of power, remember that no one has the ability to give or take away yours. True power comes from within. Use this Full Moon to take aligned action that serves your highest self, rather than reacting impulsively out of frustration or impatience. Let your actions come from a place of strength and clarity, grounded in what’s best for your soul’s growth.

 Look to the Aries-ruled part of your chart. Is this the area of life where you’re fed up? Where you’ve played it safe for too long or allowed the opinions of others to influence you too much? This Full Moon might inspire a transformation in that part of your life because it’s become too uncomfortable to ignore.

Here’s what the Full Moon in Aries means for each of the 12 houses, highlighting where this surge of energy might show up in your life based on where Aries falls in your natal chart:

1st House (Self-Identity & Personal Power):

This Full Moon is all about you—your identity, how you present yourself, and how you take action in the world. It’s a time to assert yourself, stand confidently in your personal power, and take ownership of your path. Release any limiting beliefs about who you are or how you should be.


2nd House (Money, Values & Self-Worth):

You may feel a shift around finances or your sense of security. It’s a time to assess what you truly value and if your resources are supporting your highest self. Let go of outdated beliefs about money and worth, and take bold steps toward financial independence.


3rd House (Communication, Learning & Local Community):

This Full Moon lights up your mental space. You may feel an urge to speak your truth, share your ideas, or resolve a lingering issue with a sibling or neighbor. It’s time to trust your voice and communicate from a place of authenticity. Be mindful of impulsive words.


4th House (Home, Family & Emotional Foundations):

Matters related to home, family, or your emotional foundation come into focus. You might be called to address conflicts within your household or take action to create a living space that feels more aligned. Release emotional baggage from the past and take charge of your inner world.


5th House (Creativity, Romance & Self-Expression):

Your creative energy is ignited under this Full Moon. It’s a perfect time to pour passion into a project or dive into romance. Let your authentic self shine, and don’t be afraid to take risks in expressing yourself fully. Release any fears of rejection and embrace joy.


6th House (Work, Health & Daily Routines):

This Full Moon highlights your daily habits, routines, and work life. You may feel a strong push to change something that’s no longer serving you, especially related to health or productivity. Take the lead in creating systems that align with your wellness and work goals.


7th House (Relationships, Partnerships & Balance):

Relationships are front and center. You might reach a turning point in a partnership—romantic or business-related. It’s time to assess if this relationship is supporting your independence and growth. Be honest about what you need, and release any codependency or imbalance.


8th House (Transformation, Power & Shared Resources):

This is a deeply transformative Full Moon for you. Themes around shared resources, intimacy, or power dynamics may surface. It’s time to reclaim your power and let go of any attachments to what’s holding you back. This is a moment of deep emotional release and rebirth.


9th House (Higher Learning, Travel & Spirituality):

You may feel called to expand your horizons, whether through travel, study, or a new spiritual pursuit. This Full Moon invites you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new beliefs or philosophies. Release limiting beliefs and embrace a more open-minded approach to life.


10th House (Career, Reputation & Ambitions):

Career and public life are in the spotlight. You may experience a shift in your professional goals or be called to take bold action in your career. It’s time to step up as a leader, but make sure your actions align with your long-term vision. Let go of any fears around success or visibility.


11th House (Friendships, Community & Aspirations):

This Full Moon may bring clarity around your friendships or community involvement. Are your social connections supporting your individuality and growth? It’s a good time to release toxic group dynamics or align more closely with people who share your vision for the future.


12th House (Subconscious, Healing & Spirituality):

The focus is on your inner world, healing, and spiritual growth. You might feel a need to retreat, rest, or confront hidden fears. This is a powerful time for letting go of self-sabotaging patterns and connecting deeply with your intuition. Surrender to the healing process.


And with that I am going go wrap this up.

Happy Aries Full Moon, and happy Libra season. 


Stay tuned, Scorpio season is coming up next…

 From my heart to yours,

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Falling For Libra Season

My autumn aesthetic! Jackets, boots, and Pendleton. 

Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you here with me on this beautiful first day of fall, coming to you from Minnesota, the Sun has just transitioned into a new sign. We have officially entered the seventh sign of the zodiac—Libra season. Happy solar return to all the Libras out there!

🎶“Do you remember? The 21st night of September….”—oh, that was yesterday—but I love that song (Earth, Wind & Fire); it gives me all the fall vibes. There’s such a vibrancy to Libra season, especially at the beginning, particularly if you’re in a four-season climate or planning a trip to one this fall, like here in the upper Midwest. This truly is one of my favorite times of the year! The beauty of the changing leaves is captivating, and we’ll delve into aesthetics  in the article because this season is all about beauty, grace, elegance, and charm—Mother Nature is about to put on a spectacular show.

Perhaps it’s an attempt to distract us from what’s coming next—winter—but there’s an undeniable energy of celebration around us. Festivals and community events are getting into full swing. I’m not sure if you experience this where you live, but here in the Midwest, you can truly feel the buzz in the air. Coffee shops are bustling, serving up PSL’s, (if that’s your thing!) and there’s excitement around tailgating and gathering with friends for football, along with apple picking, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, so many things!

This marks a genuine shift in aesthetics, and Libra is renowned for her impeccable style—she embodies beauty and artistry. People are decorating their porches with bales of hay, chrysanthemums, cornstalks, and gourds. Fall fashion is beginning to emerge—think flannels and boots—and there’s a warm, inviting atmosphere, complemented by the crispness of morning air. Personally, I’m thrilled for the return of red wine season—though, to be honest, it never truly fades away. The thought of savoring a rich, deep red by the fire is simply enchanting right now. See? Libra, your influence has me buzzing with excitement!

Our equinox celebration wine last night

Or more accurately, “🎶Do you remember, the 21st night of September…” wine 😜

Libra: September 22nd -October 22nd

Coinciding with the fall equinox, a time of equal day and night, this balance reflects Libra's core essence - harmony, equilibrium, and justice. There is a profound symbolism and significance to why Libra season begins with the fall equinox. During the equinox, day and night are of equal length. It is a literal representation of balance.

Libra season invites us to notice where we may have become out of balance in our life. Where we may have been giving more than we have in our cup (people pleasing, anyone?) and reminds us that the most important relationship that we have is the one that we have with ourselves. True growth comes from honoring our identity by maintaining and staying true to ourselves within relationships. Because you can only love someone to the depths that you love yourself. 

One of the things that I do when we enter a new zodiac season is to reflect on the question: What is this season teaching me? So, what lessons does Libra impart that we can apply to our daily lives? How can we incorporate Libra's teachings into our routines? As the symbol of balance, harmony, and relationships, Libra provides us with invaluable insights that we can utilize to enrich our personal growth and improve our interactions with others. So here are a few of the teachings I resonate with for Libra season;

  1. Seek Balance and Harmony: Libra season encourages us to find balance in our lives, both internally and externally. This is a great time to notice any areas for you that might feel out of sync—work-life balance, relationships, and self-care routines— Can you infuse softness and grace into your efforts to create balance in your life?

  2. Nurture Relationships: As Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and connection, this season invites us to nurture our relationships. It's a time to be mindful of how we relate to others and to foster healthy, loving connections.

  3. Practice Diplomacy and Fairness: Libra is the sign of justice and fairness. She asks us to consider different perspectives, mediate conflicts, and approach situations with a sense of fairness and compassion.

  4. Notice Beauty and Aesthetics: Libra appreciates beauty, art, and aesthetic experiences. This season is an invitation to notice and create beauty in our surroundings, whether through decorating our space, engaging with art, or simply appreciating the natural world.

If you listen to my latest podcast episode, I talk about how I love to decorate for the fall season (hello, Homegoods!) and how I like to put up a fall tree to bring the autumn aesthetic into my home. Here is a picture of my fall tree last year. I cant wait to put up this year's version this evening!

Mark your calendars!

During this season there are a some significant astrological happenings taking place so if you want to write these key dates down or just stay connected with me as I will certainly be talking about these as we get closer~

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 2nd (10:49 AM Central Time) This is a significant moment for everyone, but especially for Libras and Aries! You’re certainly familiar with the journey you've been on during this Aries-Libra eclipse cycle this year.

This powerful new moon is an ideal time to initiate fresh beginnings, particularly concerning your relationships, partnerships, and areas where you seek balance. Eclipses tend to accelerate change and trigger sudden shifts, so you may find yourself reassessing your relationships or redefining what harmony and fairness mean to you. Additionally, as eclipses prompt us to let go of outdated patterns, you might notice some old habits resurfacing that no longer serve your growth. This could inspire you to set intentions for healthier, more balanced dynamics in your relationships and with those you choose to share your life.

Full Super Moon in Aries - The Hunter's Moon - October 17th (3:26 AM Central Time)

With any full moon in Aries, expect a wave of energy and passion that encourages you to embrace your individuality. This will create a striking contrast, as the sun resides in cooperative Libra while the moon embodies independent Aries. Themes of self versus others will emerge, focusing on maintaining your identity within relationships. However, since it's a full moon, it's also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your personal achievements, take decisive action, and let go of anything that restricts your self-expression or autonomy.

Pluto Stations Direct in Capricorn - Exiting for the Last Time! October 11th

Pluto is set to make its final departure from Capricorn, marking a significant moment in our lives. This is a rare occasion; unless we reincarnate, none of us will experience Pluto in Capricorn again. As Pluto transitions out of this sign, it delivers one last surge of its potent energy. The planet will officially move into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will remain until 2043. Expect to see prominent themes related to authority, control, and the structures we’ve established in our lives. You may notice shifts in power dynamics and gain profound insights into the transformations Pluto, the planet of change, has brought to your life. Up until now, Pluto has primarily resided in Capricorn throughout your lifetime, so we are all experiencing this graduation together as it bids farewell to Capricorn and steps into Aquarius for the next two decades.


As we step into the beauty and grace of Libra season, may we all be inspired to seek balance, nurture our connections, and create harmony within and around us. This is a time to embrace both the light and the shadow, finding peace in the middle ground where true harmony exists. I invite you to carry the essence of this season with you in the days ahead, aligning your actions with love, fairness, and beauty.

Mantra for Libra Season:

"I am a vessel of balance and beauty. I honor the harmony within myself and in all my relationships, creating a life of peace, love, and alignment.

Wishing you a harmonious and beautiful Libra season.

 From my heart to yours,

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

✨ 9/17/24 ✨7:41PM CT✨25°PISCES


Hello from My Backyard,

This Pisces full moon (it’s a SUPER MOON TOO!) lunar eclipse is illuminating the themes of sweetness, kindness, and compassion, which we could all benefit from in today’s world. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces embodies the essence of unconditional love.

Under this full moon, you might discover a creative spark or rekindle your passion for poetry or dance. Pisces, being a highly sensitive and intuitive sign, it's essential to pay attention to the deeper meanings that may arise leading up to and in the days following the eclipse. Pisces governs dreams, so you may encounter vivid or profound visions during this lunar event. If you find yourself not being able to sleep (which is very common during a full moon!) pay attention to your daydreams. This is a time to notice, trust your intuition, and receive the messages that are often hidden in plain sight. This to me is magic ✨ With heightened sensitivity during a lunar eclipse, the veil between worlds becomes thinner, allowing us to stay grounded while reaching for the stars.

In a world that can be challenging, embodying love and compassion may feel daunting, and this moon might bring a quieter energy than usual, especially visually, as shadows cast darkness. This is an ideal moment for self-compassion and healing past wounds, whatever that may signify for you. It's the perfect time to delve deep and connect with your feelings, as many may experience spiritual awakenings or heightened intuition during this period.

What Are The Key Themes For This Full Moon?

Spiritual Awakening & Intuition: The Eclipse in Pisces highlights the dissolving of boundaries and the awakening of our deeper spiritual self. I encourage you to trust in your intuition and lean into your inner knowing.

Release and Surrender: Lunar eclipses are powerful moments for release, and in Pisces, it’s about letting go of old emotional baggage, illusions, and limiting beliefs. Pisces is a sign of water, and when you think about swimming freely, In order to do that you need to release anything holding you back or weighing you down.  I am talking about the power of surrender and how it’s a step toward empowerment.

Dreams & Creativity: Pisces rules the realm of dreams, so this is a time to reconnect with creative visions and spiritual goals. I encourage you to pay attention to dreams, symbols, and synchronicities.

Compassion & Healing: Pisces carries deep compassion, one for themselves but especially for others, and all sentient beings. We can only express the love at which we love ourselves, so under this moon you may find that triggers come up or old wounds resurface. Try not to ignore these when they happen. Whether it's your subconscious or higher self, notice the messages that are being portrayed right now for you. Eclipse are powerful times of energy, so you can use this power to help you find your own healing, self love and empathy,  both for others and yourself.

Emotional Cleansing: Eclipse energy is BIG. It's POWERFUL. And depending on what's coming up for you, you may notice the need an emotional reset, a chance to let go of what no longer serves you, so you can create space for new emotional patterns.

Who Will Be Affected by the Pisces Lunar Eclipse

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse will have a more noticeable impact on those with prominent placements in the mutable signs: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. If you  have key placements like the Sun, Moon, rising sign, or personal planets (Mercury, Venus, or Mars) in these signs, you’ll feel the energy more strongly. This eclipse may bring significant changes, revelations, or emotional breakthroughs for these individuals.


However, Pisces and Virgo placements, in particular, will feel the intensity of this eclipse since Pisces is the sign of the eclipse, and Virgo is its opposite. These signs will be called to balance logic and intuition, service to others and spiritual connection, and practical concerns with emotional healing.


How to Identify Where the Eclipse is Happening in Your Chart:


1. Locate 25° Pisces in Your Birth Chart: 

    The house that Pisces occupies in your chart will highlight the area of life where this eclipse brings shifts, emotional release, and new spiritual insights.


2. Focus on the House:

   Each house in the birth chart rules specific areas of life. Here’s a quick guide to what each house represents and how you can use the eclipse energy based on the house that Pisces falls into:


   - 1st House: Personal identity and self-expression. This is a major time of personal transformation and self-awareness. Empowerment comes from owning who you truly are.

   - 2nd House: Money, values, and self-worth. Let go of old financial fears or scarcity mindsets. Empowerment comes from aligning your values with abundance and security.

   - 3rd House: Communication, thoughts, and local environment. Release limiting beliefs or toxic communication patterns. Empowerment comes from expressing yourself authentically and trusting your voice.

   - 4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundations. This is a powerful moment for emotional healing related to family or past wounds. Empowerment comes from creating a safe emotional space for yourself.

   - 5th House: Creativity, romance, and joy. Release creative blocks or fear of self-expression. Empowerment comes from embracing your inner artist and allowing yourself to enjoy life.

   - 6th House: Health, routines, and service. Let go of unhealthy habits or a work-life imbalance. Empowerment comes from creating healthy routines that nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

   - 7th House: Relationships and partnerships. Release toxic relationship patterns or limiting beliefs about love. Empowerment comes from forming relationships that reflect mutual growth and emotional connection.

   - 8th House: Transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. This is a time of deep transformation. Let go of control or fear around intimacy. Empowerment comes from embracing vulnerability and personal power.

   - 9th House: Beliefs, travel, and higher learning. Release limiting worldviews or dogmatic beliefs. Empowerment comes from expanding your mind and embracing spiritual and personal growth.

   - 10th House: Career, public image, and reputation. Let go of career fears or blocks around success. Empowerment comes from aligning your work with your true calling and taking charge of your public image.

   - 11th House: Friendships, community, and dreams for the future. Release outdated friendships or limiting beliefs about your future. Empowerment comes from connecting with like-minded souls and embracing your vision.

   - 12th House: Spirituality, the subconscious, and hidden truths. This is a time of deep spiritual release and introspection. Empowerment comes from surrendering to the flow of the universe and trusting your spiritual journey.

Happy Full Moon!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

New Moon in Virgo

A Time to Reclaim Your Center

8:55 PM Central Time

11° of Virgo

As the New Moon graces the meticulous and service-oriented sign of Virgo, we are invited to pause, reflect, and restore order in our lives. Virgo, the zodiac's perfectionist, is deeply connected to the themes of health, routine, and being of service—not just to others, but crucially, to ourselves. This New Moon offers a potent reminder: before we can truly serve others, we must first attend to our own needs and well-being.

The essence of Virgo is rooted in the art of paying attention to the details, finding beauty in the small things, and striving for order and consistency in everyday life. Yet, the underlying message of this New Moon is about more than just organization or efficiency. It’s about realigning with your inner self after the whirlwind of summer’s adventures, late nights, and spontaneity of the last few months.

Summer often scatters our energies, pulling us in many different directions. We chase the sun, embrace the freedom of long days, and relish the excitement that comes with a break from routine. However, as the season winds down, it’s natural to feel a bit untethered, as though parts of ourselves have been left behind in the warm glow of summer's sun.

This New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity to gather those scattered pieces, to call back the parts of you that may have strayed. It's a time to return to your center, to ground yourself, and to prepare for the more introspective and structured energies of the autumn season.

Use this new moon to set intentions that support your well-being—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Reflect on the areas of your life that may have fallen into disarray and consider how you can bring them back into alignment. This is not about rigid perfectionism but rather about gentle self-care and the cultivation of routines that nourish you.

Consider journaling about what balance looks like for you right now. What practices or habits do you need to revisit or recommit to in order to feel whole again? What areas of your life need more attention, and how can you approach them with the compassionate, healing energy of Virgo?

Remember, the act of service starts within. By tending to your own needs, you replenish your reserves and become better equipped to be of service to others. This New Moon in Virgo brings with it a chance to realign with your purpose, refine your daily rituals, and restore order to both your inner and outer worlds.

Take this time to ground yourself, reconnect with your intentions, and prepare for the harvest season ahead. When you honor yourself, you create a solid foundation from which you can support and uplift those around you.

✨PS. Remember Virgos, as your birthday month us upon us, you get 15% any reading you schedule during your season!

Use code VIRGO at checkout when scheduling your session. I can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aquarius Full Moon

Under the intensity of this full moon, you may experience heightened levels of tension, dissatisfaction, and frustration within some of your current life circumstances. BUT,  it can also bring breakthroughs and unexpected changes could lead to new opportunities, providing/triggering just the right motivation for you to make some radical shifts in your life, propelling you out of the ordinary and into the authenticity you shine so brightly with. You might be inspired to try something unconventional or finally tackle tasks you've been postponing for some time now...

The Sturgeon Full Super Moon

The full moon in Aquarius is happening on Monday, August 19th at 1:26pm CT.

Who is going to feel this the most?

Well besides those with prominent Aquarius in their charts, the fellow fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.

But remember, we all have Aquarius in our charts, so this moon is highlighting something different in each of us.

What's the underlying message of this full moon?

This full moon aims to ensure your awareness. It's the universe's way of questioning,

"Are you truly paying attention?"

Aligned with Mercury in Retrograde, you may find yourself in reflection, calling your attention to consider making some changes in your life . This could also show up in feelings of heaviness. If this is true for you, take a moment to reconsider what you're carrying. Does it belong in your future? Under the full moon's glow, anticipate old connections, beliefs, and energies being dramatically disrupted, removed, and transformed

And why is that? There are a lot of strong energies at play at this time, creating a frenetic vibration and frequency in the atmosphere that is palpable. 

Under the intensity of this full moon, you may experience heightened levels of tension, dissatisfaction, and frustration within some of your current life circumstances. BUT,  it can also bring breakthroughs and unexpected changes could lead to new opportunities, providing/triggering just the right motivation for you to make some radical shifts in your life, propelling you out of the ordinary and into the authenticity you shine so brightly with. You might be inspired to try something unconventional or finally tackle tasks you've been postponing for some time now...

 If you recognize a surge in your desire to break free from restrictions and limitations, that's Uranus playing a critical role with this moon energy and brings with it a higher likelihood of experiencing unexpected events and changes of plans around this time.

 Uranus may expose weaknesses, unveiling what's unstable or ineffective in our lives. It sheds light on what's artificial, highlighting any flaws in the surface.

 What do we do with this information? 

The area of your chart that is ready for radical change, a major upgrade, asking to be revolutionized, and where you can bring more freedom, and make life authentically your own…That's the house where you have Aquarius in your chart.

That's where this moon wants you to realize how brilliant you are in your authenticity. That there is no one like you. And that should be celebrated!

You can also think back to February 9th 2024, this is when you planted seeds of intention at the new moon in Aquarius. This full moon is the completion of that 6 month cycle. This is why we celebrate at full moons. It’s a time to reflect on our intentions and celebrate our manifestations and journeys in the name of progress and growth. And if where you are at right now is not where you wanted to be, 
want to live.

27° Aquarius represents the area of your life you can look for breakthroughs and unexpected shifts of plans which could open new doors and unveil paths to radical self-discovery. This moon can bring inspiring downloads that motivate you to drastically reinvent yourself or awaken dormant potential within.

Reflect on where Aquarius is in your chart and how it might bring unexpected change and opportunities for growth.

1st House: A breakthrough in self-expression—embrace your authentic self.

2nd House: Radical shifts in values or finances—discover new ways to value yourself.

3rd House: Unexpected communication—let your unique voice be heard.

4th House: Reinvention at home—create a space that truly reflects who you are.

5th House: Creative awakening—unleash your inner rebel and let your passions shine.

6th House: Break free from routine—reimagine your daily life and wellness.

7th House: Relationship revolution—embrace authenticity in partnerships.

8th House: Deep transformation—dive into the unknown and emerge renewed.

9th House: Expansive insights—radical ideas could shift your worldview.

10th House: Career shake-up—seize the moment to redefine your public image.

11th House: Social breakthroughs—step into new circles and lead with innovation.

12th House: Spiritual awakening—release old patterns and embrace your true path.

Want to know more about the full moon and how you can work with this moon cycle? Sign up for a birth chart reading with me!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Leo New Moon

Under the Leo new moon, you can look to the house that Leo rules in your chart to find the specific area of life that over the next 6 months you can approach in a confident, generous way. Where you can really shine by creatively expressing yourself, or can inspire others to do the same and harness the pride and boldness of the Lion to help you manifest your intentions.

The new moon in Leo is August 4th, arriving at 6:13am central, at 12° of Leo

During a new moon, we get to embark on a fresh start, as this symbolizes new beginnings and a clean slate. It's time to set your intentions and pull your future into the here and now.


This new moon is very special to me as we are celebrating my sons birthday. A true Sun in Leo, he embodies the qualities of confidence, extroversion, generosity, loyalty, creativity, and leadership. But the thing I appreciate most is his heart, and that inspiresus everyday! It is through him that we are reminded to play! To embrace life with a child like wonder and to let passion be the reason. If it is in our heart, that is the only compass we need. This is the essence of Leo.


So under this new moon, you can look to the house that Leo rules in your chart to find the specific area of life that over the next 6 months you can approach in a confident, generous way. Where you can really shine by creatively expressing yourself, or can inspire others to do the same and harness the pride and boldness of the Lion to help you manifest your intentions.

1st: Body, self-image, personal identity, going first

2nd: Finances, stability, self-worth, values

3rd: Communication, learning, connecting, channeling

4th: Family, home, emotional security, tradition

5th: Creativity, play, self expression, pleasure

6th: Health, wellness, service, routines

7th: Relationships, balance, boundaries 

8th: Intimacy, privacy, shadow work, transformation

9th: Big ideas, travel, study, expansion, optimism

10th: Career, reputation, accomplishments, being seen

11th: Friends, technology, community, the future

12th: Spirit, mysticism, subconscious, universe connection, inner work



✨Tip to try: Write letter as your future self and open it on February 12th, 2025 - the full moon in Leo. This marks the completion of this 6 month lunar cycle. As your future self…

  • What are the things that you accomplished? 

  • How did you use your confidence to act on your intentions you set on August 4th, 2024? 

  • What bold moves did you make? 

  • How did you let your heart be the inspiration to be the leader of your own life?


Setting intentions under the new moon and sharing them with the universe as if they already happened is powerful way to pull the future you desire into the here and now!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Cancer Season 2024

This season emphasizes emotional intelligence, self-love, and authenticity, guiding us to make decisions that align with our soul's purpose, rather than seeking external validation.

First and foremost, I want to extend the warmest birthday wishes to all Cancers out there! I have such a deep appreciation for this zodiac sign as some of my most cherished relationships are with Cancers – you are my ride or dies, and I truly value your presence in my life! Your season is a time to be celebrated in every way. Being part of your inner circle means so much to me!

The Sun moves through Cancer on June 20th - July 22nd, 2024

Transitioning from the vibrant and active energy of Gemini to the introspective and emotional season of Cancer, we shift our attention from the intellect to the heart.

The upcoming Cancer season is notably significant, commencing on the Summer Solstice followed by he full moon in Capricorn the following day, and culminating with another full moon in Capricorn, highlighting a profoundly powerful theme for us all to explore.

The Cancer - Capricorn Axis

Under the influence of Cancer, which is governed by the moon, our focus turns towards our intuition and emotional well-being, shaping our essential needs in this lifetime. This water sign embodies emotions, intuition, psychic abilities, and all things hidden beneath the surface. It's a period to turn inward, fostering a sense of security and comfort within ourselves, which in turn reflects in our immediate environment, family dynamics, and home life. It's about establishing a deep connection with the core essence of our being.

Summer Solstice 6/20/2024

As a Cardinal sign, Cancer marks the beginning of a new phase in the zodiac cycle and the seasonal transition. Starting on the Summer Solstice, Cancer season propels us into the latter half of the year and a fresh chapter of the Earth's seasonal cycle.

Now, let's delve into Cancer and Capricorn, exploring their potent archetypes and how we can tap into their wisdom to maximize the benefits of this Cancer season.

Each time we step into a new zodiac season, there's always a sign opposite to it on the zodiac wheel. This season is particularly potent as we have two full moons in Capricorn, the sign opposite to Cancer, embodying contrasting yet complementary approaches to similar themes. Cancer represents the internal emotional nurturing and healing work we engage in, while Capricorn signifies our external endeavors, ambitions, and the structures we aim to establish in the world.

Full Moons in Capricorn: 6/21/24 & 7/21/24

Starting with the Summer Solstice, it's a significant time for reflection, marking the longest day of the year. Consider where you are in your journey, balancing past, present, and future while integrating emotions with ambitions.

Cancer signifies our emotional memories, while Capricorn represents ambition and drive towards the future. This season prompts us to connect with our deepest emotions and desires, reflecting our internal state in our external world.

At this moment, focus on inner work, honoring and understanding yourself. Capricorn embodies authority and responsibility, urging us to address our fears and trust our intuition.

The lower vibrations of Capricorn lead us to perceive success as a mere status symbol, focusing on how to appear successful. Prioritizing money, power, and control, we exhaust ourselves in pursuit of these goals. Concerned about others' perceptions, we reveal only certain aspects of our personalities, keeping much of our true selves hidden in the shadows. Sometimes, we adopt personas that contradict our core values.

On the other hand, the shadow side of Cancer manifests as neediness, codependency, and people-pleasing behavior. When embodying this aspect of Cancer, we seek validation through being needed by others, neglecting our own well-being. We prioritize caring for others over ourselves, suppressing our emotions and intuition. Without a clear connection to our intuition, we struggle to make sound decisions and rely on others for guidance.

By releasing the shadow aspects of Cancer and Capricorn, we are reminded of who we are - to come back home to our selves, and we can fully embrace ourselves, feel connected to others and the wisdom of the Universe. We gain clarity in our energy, understanding our path ahead. Prioritizing self-care, we recognize the significance of our life's purpose, knowing it influences every aspect of our being. We also learn to take breaks from our work, setting boundaries to recharge our spirits, benefiting all areas of our lives.

 This season emphasizes emotional intelligence, self-love, and authenticity, guiding us to make decisions that align with our soul's purpose, rather than seeking external validation.

Celebrate Cancer season by nurturing your inner world, aligning ambitions with true purpose for a balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace the wisdom of these archetypes to honor emotional depth and external achievements.

Happy Birthday Cancer! This is your time to shine, teaching us the importance of self-care and nurturing.

Explore what this season holds for you by signing up for a birth chart reading at!

Stay connected with astrological updates and more by signing up for the newsletter on my website or following me on IG @ashleybellastrology.

From my heart to yours, bye for now!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Gemini Season

Dive deep into Gemini season, exploring its unique energies and how they influence our lives. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is known for its duality, communication prowess, and intellectual curiosity. We'll discuss what this season means for you, how to harness its transformative power, and practical tips to make the most of this dynamic period.

May 20th -June 20th | 2024

Gemini season is here as the Sun transits through the 3rd zodiac sign from May 20th to June 20th. In astrology, Gemini season is significant for its emphasis on communication, curiosity, versatility, and adaptability. It encourages intellectual exploration, social interaction, and a desire for variety and stimulation. Gemini season is a time for engaging in lively conversations, exploring your neighborhood,  learning new things, and embracing change and spontaneity in our lives.

As we enter this new season that will take us from spring into summer, I want to express my gratitude for Taurus season and thank the earthy Bull  for bringing grounding energy, abundance, and sensual delights into my life. It was a season of growth, pleasure, and new ventures. As we transition into the vibrant energy of summer, Gemini season, I'm excited and grateful for the blessings of Taurus season. While I'll miss the earthy stability, I eagerly anticipate the curiosity and versatility of Gemini season. My social calendar is already filling up, and a special shout out to my Geminis who are jumping on my calendar! I love reading for Geminis - you are always a breath of fresh air; we have so much to talk about and I leave feeling so inspired. Your questions spark fascinating discussions and our time together flies by – embodying the essence of Gemini season. Currently, I'm bursting with ideas from Taurus season ready to hand over and see what I can come up with next! I want to take new astrology classes for continued education, and there's a stack of books on my desk, staring at me, that I can’t wait to dive into. The recent in-person events I facilitated have fueled my excitement and inspiration to keep connecting in person. So, in the spirit of Gemini, I encourage everyone to nourish their minds and curiosities during Gemini season!

Here Are Three Ways to Make the Most of Gemini Season:

1. Embrace Communication: Focus on enhancing communication in the area of your chart where Gemini season is manifesting. Engage in open and honest dialogue with others, express your thoughts and ideas clearly, and explore different forms of communication, such as writing, speaking, or networking.

 2. Stimulate Your Mind: Take advantage of Gemini season's intellectual energy by stimulating your mind in the corresponding area of your chart. Engage in learning opportunities, explore new topics of interest, and challenge yourself to think critically and creatively.

 3. Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Gemini season encourages adaptability and versatility, so be open to change and embrace new experiences in the area of your chart where Gemini is influencing. Remain flexible in your approach, explore different options, and be willing to adjust your plans as needed.

Gemini brings a sense of lightness, curiosity, and sociability to the astrological landscape to the house it rules in your birth chart.

Identify your house of Gemini to see how the "Twins" are influencing how that area of life is experienced and expressed.

If you are unsure about the specific area of life influenced by Gemini in your chart, now is a perfect time to consider a birth chart reading, which you can book directly with me!

Calling all Geminis, this is your time to shine!

And if you're not a Gemini, it's a perfect opportunity to explore your chart and see where Gemini is making its presence felt in your life. I offer various reading options, with a natal chart reading being a great starting point to experience my unique approach to astrology. Alternatively, we can customize a reading based on your preferences. If the idea of scheduling an online session feels overwhelming, rest assured, I understand—I'm a major introvert! You can opt for a digital download where I'll record your reading and send it directly to your inbox, super secret style. To fully embrace the Gemini season and satisfy your curiosity by delving into something new, consider enrolling in my astrology 101 course, Embody Your Astrology. This course will equip you with the knowledge needed to interpret your birth chart and embark on a journey of self-discovery through astrology. All the details are available below and on my website,!

For more discussion about Gemini season, check out my latest episode on the Bellastrology podcast where I am diving into all things Gemini.

From my heart to yours - bye for now!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Books I’m Reading, Love & Recommend

Embark on a journey through the realms of astrology, spirituality, finance, and empowerment with me as your guide! In this curated selection of books, I'll unveil treasures that have profoundly impacted my understanding of self, cosmos, and prosperity. From cosmic insights to spiritual awakenings, and from financial wisdom to personal empowerment, each book holds the promise of transformation and enlightenment. Join me as we explore these literary gems that illuminate the path to a more fulfilling and empowered life!

Embark on a journey through the realms of astrology, spirituality, finance, and empowerment with me as your guide! In this curated selection of books, I'll unveil treasures that have profoundly impacted my understanding of self, cosmos, and prosperity. From cosmic insights to spiritual awakenings, and from financial wisdom to personal empowerment, each book holds the promise of transformation and enlightenment. Join me as we explore these literary gems that illuminate the path to a more fulfilling and empowered life!

All items are sourced from Amazon, and if you make a purchase through a link on this site, I may receive a commission.


Strategy book for freeing yourself from all that is keeping you small!


Tap in on call upon your animal spirit totem.


Helps you reach for your goals, cultivate self-love, and live your best life.


Calling in your highest potential to the here and now.


Workbook with all the astrology teaching you need to know!


Great guide for all astrology levels.


This is a great reference book for all things astrology.


Everything you could ever want to know about the lunar nodes!


You need this book! Even if you know nothing about astrology, understanding the elements is life changing!


explores astrological patterns in human culture and self-exploration, including themes in cinema, music and art, dreams, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and Holotropic Breathwork.


Brings together some of the latest and most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how everyday people can experience a more mystical life.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Taurus Season

Today we enter into the rich, earthy realms of Taurus season. Whether you’re a steadfast Taurus yourself or just looking to harness the grounded, luxurious energy of the Bull, this edition is your guide to making the most of this stable and sensual time. We’ll explore how Taurus influences our lives, financial matters, and personal growth. Plus, tips on how to indulge your senses and prioritize well-being without losing your footing. So grab a comfy seat, maybe a snack—because you know Taurus loves a good treat—and let’s get into the steady and soothing vibe of Taurus season!

When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th, there is a noticeable shift in energy from the fiery, dynamic vibe of Aries to a more grounded, stable, and sensual feeling that Taurus brings. This month is about leaning in to a desire for comfort, security, and enjoyment of life's pleasures.

Taurus Season (April 19 - May 19)

  • 2nd sign of the zodiac

  • The symbol is the Bull - the glyph looks like a bull with horns, it’s a circle with horns

  • Body Part: Throat/Neck Ik 

  • Element: Earth

  • Quality: Fixed, which stabilizes and sustains.

  • Ruling Planet: Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and finances.

  • House: Resides over the 2nd house of possessions and wealth

Energy Style: Taurus brings a calmer, more grounded energy compared to the fiery nature of Aries. It focuses on sustainability, routine, and patience.

Focus: The focus shifts to consolidation, stability, and enjoying the sensual pleasures of life. Taurus season is a time for nurturing growth in projects initiated during Aries season, emphasizing endurance and resource management.

Characteristics: Taurus energy is practical, dependable, and resistant to change. It encourages a slower, more deliberate pace and is concerned with practical applications and results. Taurus values luxury and comfort, often leading to indulgence in good food, comfort, and leisure activities.

In Summary: the shift from Aries to Taurus season moves us from a period of high energy and initiation (fire) to one of consolidation and enjoyment of the fruits of one’s labor (earth). Aries pushes us to start new things and blaze new trails, while Taurus encourages us to slow down, establish roots, and fully appreciate and build upon what we have started. This natural progression offers a balance, helping manage the burst of start-up energy Aries provides by grounding it with Taurus's sustaining and stabilizing force.

High and Low Embodiments

 The sign of Taurus, like all zodiac signs, has both high and low embodiments. These characteristics can manifest depending on an individual's awareness, choices, and overall personal development.

High Embodiments of Taurus

1. Stability: Taurus is known for its stable, dependable nature, providing a solid foundation for themselves and others.   

2. Practicality: Highly practical, Taurus individuals excel in finding concrete solutions to problems and are adept at handling material affairs. 

3. Patience: One of Taurus' greatest strengths is their patience, allowing them to see through long-term projects and endeavors to successful completion.

4. Sensuality: Taurus enjoys the sensory experiences of life more than most, appreciating good food, comfortable environments, and physical pleasures, often with refined taste.

5. Reliability: They are known for their loyalty and reliability, making them trusted friends, partners, and colleagues.

6. Perseverance: Their strong determination and ability to persevere through challenging circumstances ensure that they reach their goals.

Low Embodiments of Taurus

 1. Stubbornness: The same quality that grants Taurus its remarkable stability can manifest as stubbornness, making them resistant to change and new ideas.

2. Materialism: An overemphasis on material comfort can lead to materialism, where accumulating possessions or wealth becomes a focal point at the expense of other values.

3. Indulgence: Taurus loves indulging in life’s pleasures, but this can sometimes turn into overindulgence, leading to issues like lethargy or procrastination.

4. Inflexibility: Their practical nature can become a disadvantage when flexibility and adaptability are required, as Taurus might struggle to adjust.

5. Possessiveness: In relationships, the loyalty of Taurus can sometimes turn into possessiveness or jealousy, clinging too tightly to loved ones.

6. Resistance to Change: While their desire for stability is a strength, it can also manifest as a deep-seated resistance to change, even when change is necessary for growth or improvement.

Balancing these traits can help individuals born under Taurus or those with significant Taurus placements in their natal charts make the most of their natural gifts and mitigate challenges.

So if you have your Sun, Moon, Rising, or any personal planets here, or planets in your 2nd house - they are, and this area of your life is being activated!

But even if you don’t have any Taurus placements, you do have Taurus in your chart, so whatever house or houses Taurus is grazing through, you want to pay attention to these areas, and notice how their themes are showing up for you over the next month.

You might find yourself focusing more on consolidating what you've started during Aries season, slowing down to ensure those things are built to last.

Taurus energy encourages and teaches us a methodical approach to projects and how we make decisions, and emphasizing patience and practicality.

Ok how good does this sound, let me tee this up for you…

This is a great time to connect with nature, to indulge in good food, and appreciate art and beauty. Taurus season is about savoring the moment, slowing down,  and enjoying the simpler, finer things in life!

Isn't that just dreamy? My next life I want to be a Taurus! Maybe that’s why I have my NN in Taurus! I want to like that life everyday - that sounds like heaven.

So what do we learn from the Bull and it's teachings? That often living by way of the gentle and sensual bull, leading to an increased sense of contentment and a desire to secure material stability and cultivate vast sense of well-being.

Now with every zodiac season the goal is to recognize the energy of that sign, to lean into it's teachings, and allow for that guidance to support to usher us though that phase of our lives with ease- to flow. We are not fighting against the natural energies and we allow ourselves to flow with the rhythm of the universe. It allows us to be more present, observant,  aware of nature and our surroundings and mindful of the gifts and the teachings that available to all of us.

When the Sun moves into Taurus, making the most of the earthy, stable energy can help you find balance and enhance your well-being in various ways.

So lets talk about some ideas to effectively utilize this Taurus energy!

The first thing we must talk about is:

1. Focus on Financial Planning: Taurus is associated with material security and wealth. Use this time to review your finances, budget effectively, and plan for future investments. It's a good period to set financial goals and work towards them steadily. Because we cant talk about taurus season without talking about our financial wellness and building personal wealth, during Taurus season, a time traditionally associated with abundance, wealth, and material resources due to its earthy, Venus-ruled characteristics, certain astrological indicators in a birth chart can provide insight into potential financial abilities, wealth accumulation, and opportunities for material success. Here are several key aspects to investigate:

  • 1. Second House: Known as the house of possessions and wealth, the planets located here, as well as the sign on the cusp, can indicate how you earn money and accumulate possessions. A well-aspected planet here can suggest ease in generating wealth.

  • 2. Eighth House: This house governs shared resources, inheritance, and investments. Planets here, especially benefic planets like Venus or Jupiter, can indicate wealth through marriage, partnerships, or other forms of joint financial ventures.

  • 3. Tenth House: The house of career and public status, influencing your professional life and main income source. Planets located here, particularly if connected favorably with the second or eighth house, can show career-related wealth.

  • 4. Venus: As the ruler of Taurus, Venus's placement and aspects in a birth chart are crucial for understanding your relationship with money, luxury, and possessions. A well-placed Venus (in Taurus, Libra, or Pisces) and well-aspected can signify an attraction to wealth and a knack for acquiring beautiful things, representing where you can add value, and make money

  • 5. Jupiter: Often associated with luck and expansion, Jupiter's placement can indicate potential for financial growth. Jupiter well-placed or well-aspected to Venus or the second house ruler can enhance financial prospects.

  • 6. Pluto: This is your power planet and is also associated with large sums of money and wealth, particularly through transformative means like inheritances or large-scale business. The aspects it makes and its house placement can be telling of potential for wealth through transformative means like investments and business ventures.

  • 9. Moon: Reflects your instincts and emotional security, including financial security. The Moon in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or well-aspected to Venus or Jupiter might suggest an intuitive knack for managing and accumulating wealth.

  • 10. Part of Fortune: This calculated point can show where you can find joy and success, including financial prosperity. Its house and sign placement, along with its aspects to benefic planets, can be indicate your key to wealth and prosperity.

    Investigating these areas during Taurus season might provide valuable insights into your potential financial strengths and challenges, helping you to capitalize on periods of opportunity or mitigate periods of financial difficulty. 

    If you want some help with this, I would love to help you dive into your money making, financially responsible placements. Sign up for a birth chart reading, just note in the comments you want to focus on finances. You can schedule the best time that works for you right on my website,

    Or if you want to investigate for yourself, invest in "Embody Your Astrology", my beginner level digital astrology course, you will become equipped with knowledge and resources to cover what ever you want in your chart. You can enroll now at

 Alright back to Taurus season


 2. Cultivate Patience: Embrace the slow and steady pace of Taurus to complete ongoing projects or to start new endeavors that require a methodical approach. Patience will be your ally in achieving thorough and satisfactory results.

3. Connect with Nature: Taurus is an earth sign, so connecting with the earth can be particularly refreshing and grounding during this time. Activities like gardening, hiking, or simply spending time in natural settings, fresh air, listening to the birds, walking in the woods, can help rejuvenate your spirit.

For me its spring, its starting to get nice out, I have 2 young puppies who love to play outside, I am so looking forward to getting my yoga mat outside and down by the water on the dock for daily workouts and meditations. I am going to bring my sound bowls down to the water more and really embrace and celebrate being outdoors!

Now the next  assignment, is my favorite! Thank you so much Taurus season, I don’t mind if I do- like I needed the permission, but I really do!

4. Indulge Your Senses: Taurus energy heightens the enjoyment of sensory pleasures. Mmmmm secret sauce time. This is a perfect time to cook a lavish meal, visit an art gallery, or indulge in massages and other self-care routines that focus on physical enjoyment.

FINE if I must…

So now that you know what Taurus season is all about, let's make it practical (Taurus loves practical), and talk about what the sun is highlighting specifically for you as it travels through the sign of Taurus. You are going to want to look that house where you have Taurus in your own chart.

Taurus season invites us to focus on stability, pleasure, and practicality. Here's a guide on what to embrace and what to let go of during Taurus season through each of the 12 astrological houses. This guide can help you navigate the Taurus season more effectively by aligning with its stable and resourceful energies while letting go of what might hinder growth in each house's domain.

1. First House (Self, Appearance,, Beginnings): Invest in self-care that makes you feel grounded and secure. It's a good time to update your wardrobe with comfortable yet stylish items that reflect your sense of self-worth.

   - Embrace: Self-care, personal stability, grounding yourself.

   - Let Go: Impulsive self-expression, neglecting physical needs.


2. Second House (Finances, Values): This is the natural house for Taurus, so focus on financial planning and reassessing your investments and budgets. It's also a good time to evaluate what you truly value and make adjustments to ensure your resources are aligned with these.

   - Embrace: Financial planning, valuing possessions, cultivating personal resources.

   - Let Go: Financial negligence, undervaluing your worth.


3. Third House (Communication, Local Community): Improve your everyday interactions. Consider how you communicate with those around you and how you might enhance these relationships through clearer and more thoughtful exchanges

   - Embrace: Clear, practical communication; reconnecting with siblings or neighbors.

   - Let Go: Superficial conversations, scattered thinking.


4. Fourth House (Home, Family): Focus on home improvement projects or redecorating to make your living space more luxurious and comforting. Strengthen your connections with family, perhaps by hosting a family gathering.

   - Embrace: Beautifying your home, strengthening family bonds.

   - Let Go: Domestic instability, clinging to past comforts that no longer serve.


5. Fifth House (Creativity, Romance, Children): Engage in creative hobbies that bring you pleasure. It's also a romantic period, ideal for deepening existing relationships or finding new love. Enjoy activities with children, whether they are yours or those of friends or family.

   - Embrace: Enjoyable creative projects, stable romantic gestures.

   - Let Go: Drama in love affairs, neglecting joy and play.


6. Sixth House (Work, Health Routines): Implement new routines that enhance your physical well-being. This could be a great time to start a new exercise program or diet that feels luxurious and beneficial.

   - Embrace: Steady health routines, practical work solutions.

   - Let Go: Unhealthy habits, disorganization at work.


7. Seventh House (Partnerships, Marriage): Work on business partnerships and personal relationships. It's a good period to address the balance of give-and-take in your closest alliances.

   - Embrace: Loyalty in partnerships, fair dealings.

   - Let Go: Stubbornness in relationships, unbalanced alliances.


8. Eighth House (Transformation, Shared Resources, Intimacy): Delve into your deeper self, exploring themes of intimacy and shared finances. This can be a powerful time for personal transformation.

   - Embrace: Financial partnerships, emotional investments.

   - Let Go: Resisting change, dependency in financial matters.

9. Ninth House (Philosophy, Travel, Higher Education): Expand your horizons by engaging with philosophical ideas, spiritual pursuits, or planning long-distance travels that promise growth and adventure.

   - Embrace: Practical learning approaches, planning long-term travels.

   - Let Go: Rigid beliefs, lack of exploration.


10. Tenth House (Career, Public Image): Focus on career goals and public reputation. It's a favorable time to make practical moves that will build your professional standing or launch new projects.

    - Embrace: Steady career growth, responsibility in professional roles.

    - Let Go: Career stagnation, fearing practical risks.


11. Eleventh House (Friendships, Groups, Aspirations): Strengthen your social network and engage with community or group activities. Consider how your friendships reflect your deeper values and future goals.

    - Embrace: Reliable friendships, setting realistic long-term goals.

    - Let Go: Unrealistic aspirations, unreliable social circles.


12. Twelfth House (Spirituality, Solitude): Embrace solitude and spiritual growth. This house invites introspection and connection to the subconscious. A perfect period for meditation or retreats.

    - Embrace: Quiet reflection, grounding spiritual practices.

    - Let Go: Unresolved inner turmoil, escaping reality through unhealthy means.

A good mantra to embody during Taurus season, which highlights themes of stability, sensuality, and appreciation for the finer things in life, could be:

"I am grounded in the abundance and beauty of the present."

 This mantra encourages you to embrace Taurus's earthy energy, focusing on grounding yourself in the moment, appreciating what you have, and finding beauty and value in the everyday. It's about cultivating a sense of contentment and gratitude, reinforcing Taurus's connection to nature, luxury, and pleasure, all while maintaining a practical and steady approach to life. 

I hope you have enjoyed this Taurus season overview! I am so thankful to share this platform with you and connect with you in this way!

Taurus season, if you cant tell, I am so looking forward to you! I have so many things to share with you all, I cannot wait to get them out into the world! They are very Taurus focused, this is the perfect season to bring them to life. I am ready for this new energy, and I hope you are too.  

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to all my Taurus out there - this is your season! I cant wait to see how you celebrate, indulge, and pamper- Taurus knows how to enjoys themselves, and they deserve it!

If you are interested in finding out what this season has in store for you, as always, I am here for you, sign up for a reading with me on

To stay connected to all things happening, what's coming up astrologically, newness from me, make sure you are signed up for my newsletter, you can sign up on my website, or follow me on IG, I have a link in my bio for all things, but the newsletter link is there as well - @ashleybellastrology


From my heart to yours, bye for now!

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse

The New Moon is in bold and fearless Aries and if that's not groundbreaking and empowering enough, it is also a total solar eclipse, an awe-inspiring phenomenon that will darken the daytime sky in certain regions of the world.  Here in the US, it is another what is named the Great North American eclipse - a return from the last total solar eclipse that we experienced back in August of 2017 as it stretched across North America. We will experience the "lights out effect" of this impactful lunar event, so what does it mean?

You know what is WILD? April is the most significant month astrologically of the entire year! Fresh off the spring equinox it was quickly followed by Mercury going retrograde, and up next we have a new moon in Aries that is a total solar eclipse! In this article I want to delve into the dynamic energy of the upcoming new moon solar eclipse in Aries, unlocking the mystery and significance of eclipses, and exploring how this particular event might affect you!

What is going on?

 Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024, at 11:17 AM PDT, at 19° Aries

The new moon is in bold and fearless Aries and if that's not groundbreaking and empowering enough, it is also a total solar eclipse, an awe-inspiring phenomenon that will darken the daytime sky in certain regions of the world.  Here in the US, it is another what is named the Great North American eclipse - a return from the last total solar eclipse that we experienced back in August of 2017 as it stretched across North America. We will experience the "lights out effect" of this impactful lunar event, so what does it mean?

Who will be affected astrologically?

First of all, we all will feel the effects of this eclipse, but some more than others - as I will explain the significance of eclipse in a minute . But for my Cardinal signs, Aries,  Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn as well as if you have any personal planets in the sign of Aries, pay extra close attention. And if you want to get extra specific, those with personal planets around 19° degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feeling this one most significantly. The effects can be felt for up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse.

Happening in the sign of Aries, this eclipse puts matters related to personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion in strong focus. It’s about new beginnings regarding any of these issues, setting the stage for long-term changes that are in the works!

So what are they?

Eclipses are agents of change, arriving four to six times each year, evoking unexpected changes and turning points in our lives. If you’ve been on the fence or experiencing indecision, an eclipse may force you to act—ready or not. Unanticipated events arise that demand a radical change of direction.

An eclipse occurs when the moon or earth moves into the shadow of another.

On April 8th, we are experiencing a solar eclipse = Solar eclipses occur at new moons. These take place when the new moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, temporarily blocking out the light of the Sun. Think of it as a "spiritual power outage"—and it feels weird, it looks eerie outside! You either feel wildly off center when the sun is being blocked out…or your mind becomes crystal clear in the darkness.


The Sun represents our ego, our life force, our vitality - and the Moon is our emotional body - so, when eclipse happen, our sense of self gets darkened - where our emotions can get heightened. In life, the Universe, everything, is seeking balance, and with an eclipse the balance is off temporality so to speak, in effort to recalibrate, or restart. All of us, wherever we are at on our journey, during eclipse time - it's time to get back on track. That’s why for some its more potent than others.

In astrology, when an Aries solar eclipse occurs, it signifies a bold new beginning that leads us down uncharted paths. Despite its unexpected nature, a solar eclipse holds a grander vision for us, encouraging us to broaden our perspectives if we've been too focused. As humans, we often get fixated on what's immediately in front of us, limiting our view and hindering us from seizing opportunities.

During solar eclipses, the familiar may fade away, nudging us to explore new avenues. Though unsettling, eclipses can be viewed as hidden blessings. They spark significant personal growth, urging us to welcome fresh and often improved possibilities, even if they push us beyond our comfort zones.

There is another type of Eclipse!

Lunar eclipses occur during full moons. The recent Libra lunar eclipse took place on March 25th, 2024. During this event, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, disrupting their connection, symbolizing a separation of our ego from our emotions, resulting in a crimson shadow on the full Moon. Changes may occur suddenly or come to an abrupt stop. It's a time to confront intense emotions that surface during the eclipse. This phase is known as the "shadow self" by Carl Jung. The revelations during lunar eclipses may be challenging or surprising, offering a chance to accept our entirety and identify areas for personal growth.

In short - solar eclipse are about beginnings, lunar eclipse are about endings

Now we need to discuss the Lunar nodes—the “destiny points” in astrology— which are tied to the eclipses

Eclipses in astrology align or intersect with the lunar nodes. Every individual has their own lunar nodes. In your birth chart, the North Node is typically represented by a horseshoe-like symbol, while the South Node is positioned directly opposite, 180° away from the North Node (often not displayed on the chart). Together, they symbolize the life paths chosen by our souls. These nodes are not planets but points where the orbits of the sun and moon intersect, indicating our past and future directions. The South Node represents our comfort zone and expertise from previous lives, while the North Node signifies the area our souls have chosen for growth in this lifetime – where we can acquire new knowledge and experiences to fulfill our goals. However, moving towards the North Node can be challenging as it requires stepping out of our familiar zones and evolving. Often, if we find ourselves trapped in repetitive cycles, it is usually because we are hesitant to progress from our South Node towards the North Node. 


The lunar nodes are determined by the points where the moon’s orbit crosses the “ecliptic”—the apparent path the Sun makes around the earth.  When a new or full Moon aligns near the lunar nodes, it triggers eclipses, activating both the current collective lunar nodes (which are the current eclipse Aries/Libra axis) and our individual lunar nodes that are determined in our birth charts.

So from a mystical/spiritual perspective, eclipses are tied to our past lives, karmic paths and soul missions!

Eclipses tend to:

• reveal hidden information that’s “hiding” in the shadows

• mark a turning point

• speed along developments

• bring swift and sudden opportunities

• trigger unexpected results

So what eclipse cycle are we in now?

Since the Aries new moon eclipse on April 20, 2023, we have been in a cycle of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis. These are the zodiac signs that rule war and peace. Aries is ruled by combative and action oriented Mars, Libra by the harmonious and peaceful Venus. They’ve arrived to help us work through that balance, Aries is the self, and Libra is the other.

You may have heard referenced to as eclipse season, and when we are in between eclipse - it’s called an eclipse portal, or eclipse corridor and so in 2024 we have 2 portals, the first in the spring between March 25th and the April 8th,  and then again the fall we will have another portal September 17th, 2024 through October 2nd.

What is it about this eclipse?

In the sign of Aries, this eclipse puts matters related to personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion in strong focus. It’s about new beginnings regarding any of these issues. What also makes this potent, and have a unique flavor to  it,  the moon, Sun and Chiron, Venus and Mercury are all lining up in Aries, the sign of the warrior and brave leader at the same time! The April 2024 total solar eclipse on April 8th can set you on a new path that you hadn’t imagined for yourself!

This is going to be highlight and challenge our issues surrounding independence and personal courage. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us, this is an empowering new moon!

This is where life's circumstances are going push us to recognize areas where we have not stayed true to our genuine and authentic selves. Now is a point of realization that embracing change and accepting endings are vital for personal development, and we have the capacity to manage these transitions and trigger our biggest transformations.

Aries New Moons are generally good for taking action – trying something new and innovative, and going at it with gusto and confidence;. It’s a time to be assertive, take charge of our lives, start a brand new project, and discover our own personal power. Now is an impactful moment to reassess our self-connections. Aries thrives on experience and action, authenticity, encouraging us to indulge in a bit of adventure.

But wait, theres more!

There are 2 really important things I want to mention with this eclipse that need to be factored it-

Mercury Retrograde April 1st - 25th

  • During the alignment of the New Moon with retrograde Mercury, our path may seem unclear. Despite this, our discomfort with the past can serve as a powerful motivator for new beginnings. With Mercury in retrograde, the eclipse's effects may be slightly delayed, so we might not feel its full impact for a few weeks. It's crucial to proceed cautiously in the following weeks, as unexpected consequences may arise. Be prepared for miscommunications, travel disruptions, and technological glitches. Remember to back up data and carefully consider the tone of your messages before sending them to prevent any communication issues.


Chiron Conjunction

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," aligns with the total solar eclipse, creating an opportunity for us to let go of the past. By tapping into our inner wisdom and seeking advice from others, we can gain insight into what we want to cultivate in our lives by nurturing our hearts and well-being. Amidst the darkness of the solar eclipse, we can discover our inner light and progress towards manifesting our aspirations. This process will help you identify what to leave behind as you step into this new chapter and embrace the updated version of yourself. Embracing change and releasing the past are crucial steps in evolving into this next chapter.

What it feels like

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent surge of energy and transformation. We might experience a strong urge to act on impulse. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others’ feelings and reactions.

Here's what it might feel like:

New Beginnings: Solar eclipses symbolize powerful new beginnings, and in Aries, the energy is dynamic and assertive. It's a time for planting seeds of intention and initiating bold new ventures.

Personal Empowerment: Aries energy ignites a sense of self-confidence, independence, and assertiveness. You may feel empowered to take charge of your life and pursue your goals with courage and determination.

Release of the Old: Eclipses often bring about endings or closure to make way for fresh starts. This is a time to let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good, whether it's outdated beliefs, habits, or relationships.

Emotional Intensity: Solar eclipses can stir up intense emotions, especially when it comes to asserting your identity and desires. Be mindful of impulsive actions or reactions, and channel your passions constructively.

Spiritual Awakening: Eclipses are powerful portals for spiritual growth and awakening. Pay attention to any insights or intuitive nudges that arise during this time, as they may guide you on your path of self-discovery.

Collective Shift: Solar eclipses have a collective impact, influencing global events and societal changes. Look for themes of leadership, innovation, and individuality emerging on a larger scale.

How to really dive into the meaning for you

Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Aries in our charts are likely to occur over the upcoming months.

It may bring a potent energy of new beginnings and transformation, particularly for those with Aries placements in their birth charts. It could feel like a powerful surge of energy, urging you to take action, assert yourself, and initiate changes in your life. However, with the eclipse aspect, there might also be a sense of unpredictability or intensity surrounding these changes. It's essential to stay grounded, remain open to new opportunities, and be willing to release anything that no longer serves your highest good. This eclipse can be a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment if approached with intention and mindfulness.


The impact of the New Moon Aries solar eclipse will vary depending on which house of your birth chart it falls in. Find where you have 19° Aries in your chart and identify the theme of that house for this eclipse. Here's a brief overview of how it might affect each house:


First House: This eclipse could bring a significant focus on your identity, self-image, and personal goals. You may feel compelled to take bold new steps or make changes to align more closely with your authentic self.


Second House: Financial matters and self-worth may come into focus. You might be inspired to pursue new income opportunities or reassess your values and priorities related to money and possessions.


Third House: Communication, learning, and short trips could be highlighted. You may feel motivated to express yourself more assertively or pursue new avenues of study or skill development.


Fourth House: Family dynamics, home life, and emotional security may be emphasized. You might feel a desire to make changes within your home environment or address underlying family issues.


Fifth House: Creativity, romance, and self-expression may take center stage. This eclipse could spark new passions or creative projects, as well as potential shifts in your approach to love and relationships.


Sixth House: Health, routines, and service to others could be areas of focus. You may feel motivated to make positive changes to your daily habits or seek new ways to contribute to your community.


Seventh House: Relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one interactions may be highlighted. You might experience shifts in your closest relationships or feel compelled to reevaluate your approach to collaboration and compromise.


Eighth House: This eclipse could bring transformations, intimacy, and shared resources to the forefront. You may be prompted to confront deep-seated fears or make changes in areas related to joint finances, sexuality, or psychological growth.


Ninth House: Travel, higher education, and philosophical beliefs may come into focus. You might feel drawn to explore new cultures, expand your horizons through learning, or reassess your beliefs and values.


Tenth House: Career, ambitions, and public image could be emphasized. This eclipse might prompt you to pursue new professional opportunities, redefine your goals, or take bold steps toward achieving success.


Eleventh House: Friendships, social networks, and long-term goals may be highlighted. You might feel inspired to connect with like-minded individuals, join groups or organizations aligned with your interests, or pursue humanitarian causes.


Twelfth House: This eclipse could bring introspection, spiritual growth, and hidden matters to the surface. You may feel drawn to explore your subconscious mind, release old patterns or baggage, and engage in practices that promote inner peace and healing.


Overall, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries heralds a time of transformation, empowerment, and fresh starts. Embrace the opportunity to align with your true desires and step boldly into the next chapter of your journey.

If you have any questions on how to find out what this eclipse is highlighting for you, or if you would like to dive deeper into understanding your chart, sign up for a birth chart reading with me! 

Also, in my newest episode of The Bellastrology Podcast, I am talking all about this solar eclipse, so join me over on that platform and join the Bellastrology community!

This is an exciting time in the Universe, and I am so thankful to share this love of astrology with you.

As always, from my heart to yours - bye for now

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

All About Eclipse

Eclipse energy holds significant power, and in this blog post, we delve into the energy surrounding these eclipses. This is all about eclipse season, what they, what they mean, what you can do leading up to, during, and after the eclipse.

Eclipse energy holds significant power, and in this blog post, we delve into the energy surrounding these eclipses. Get ready with a pen and paper as we refer to specific dates. Prepare yourself by lighting candles, grabbing some water, and absorbing the messages related to the upcoming eclipse to understand its personal significance for you.


Eclipses symbolize important periods of growth, change, and transformation. In 2024, eclipse season kicks off and unveils a potent eclipse portal from March 25 to April 8, highlighting areas where you might be out of sync with your soul's journey and destiny.


During eclipse season, changes can range from monumental and life-changing to subtle yet deeply impactful. Regardless of their nature, these shifts are all significant. Remember, Eclipses serve as the Universe's method of realigning you with your path.

This year, there are four eclipses 2024 on the horizon.

Eclipse Season Dates for 2024:

  • March 25, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

  • April 8, 2024: Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • September 17, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

  • October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra

Eclipses operate in conjunction with the lunar nodes in astrology. Each individual possesses Lunar nodes, representing the life paths chosen by our souls. These nodes, the North and South nodes, are not planets but points where the Sun and Moon's orbits intersect, signifying our past and future directions. The South node symbolizes our comfort zone and expertise from past lives, while the North Node is the area our souls have selected for growth in this lifetime – where we can learn new lessons and gain fresh experiences to reach our aspirations. However, progressing towards the North Node can be daunting as it demands stepping out of our familiar territories and evolving. Frequently, we find ourselves stuck in repetitive patterns due to our reluctance to move forward. Although our soul recognizes our potential, the question remains – are we prepared to embrace it?

When a new or full moon aligns near the lunar nodes, it triggers eclipses, activating both the current collective lunar nodes and our individual lunar nodes that are determined in our birth charts.

The Importance of Eclipses: A Call to Regain Alignment

Eclipses act as triggers or catalysts that require our focus. They prompt us to contemplate our journey and assess if we are heading in the right direction or if a shift is needed. Are we listening to our inner guidance, or have we become too comfortable in our routine? Eclipses can be intense and disruptive, particularly if we have been ignoring our instincts. They act as a reflection of our authentic selves and the path we have chosen. It's time to confront the uncomfortable truths we have been evading, such as ending a relationship or leaving a job that no longer fulfills us.

Eclipses serve as a means for our souls to connect with us, guiding us on our journey for personal growth. Embracing the uncertainties that arise during this period is crucial, as challenging as it may seem. Trust in the process and the revelations that unfold during this transformative time.


Eclipse and the Zodiac

Eclipses always arrive in pairs, coinciding with new moon and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively. They appear in a family of signs that are joined on the same axis, we call them sister signs. They are 180° apart, they are opposite the zodiac wheel, or 6 months apart

  • Aries / Libra

  • Taurus / Scorpio

  • Gemini /Sagittarius

  • Cancer / Capricorn

  • Leo/ Aquarius

  • Virgo / Pisces

Eclipse season for each pair, coinciding with new moons and full moons, every five and a half months for 18 to 24 months, until they are done. Once a set of signs finishes its cycle, it will not return for approximately seven or eight years.

Types of Eclipse

There are solar eclipse, and there are lunar eclipse. Solar eclipse initiation into new beginning - aligning with the new moon. During lunar eclipses, there is a focus on endings and letting go. Align with the full moon. The full moon sheds light on areas where you may be holding on too tightly, staying within your comfort zone, and resisting growth and expansion.

Difference between Solar and Lunar Eclipses

  • Solar Eclipse: Occurs when the moon comes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the sunlight. This is the classic image of an eclipse, with the moon obscuring the Sun.

  • Lunar Eclipse: Happens when the Earth is between the Sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. This occurs during a full moon when the Earth's shadow covers the moon, making it appear dim. Since the moon reflects sunlight, it seems to vanish during a lunar eclipse.

  • Lunar Eclipse Significance: Represents endings or significant points in time, urging reflection and rejuvenation. It's a time for introspection.

  • Solar Eclipse Significance: Symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts, but can cloud our intuition as the moon, linked to intuition, is hidden. Surrendering to the universe during this period is crucial.

  • Impact of Eclipses: Shed light on unresolved issues and may reveal hidden truths. Solar eclipses signify new opportunities, while lunar eclipses bring emotional closures and nostalgia.

Currently, we are experiencing the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, which began in April 2023 with the Aries New Moon Solar eclipse. This marked the beginning of the Aries/Libra axis, which will continue until January 2025.

  • The Aries North Node urges us to collectively aim for leadership, pioneering spirit, and warrior-like qualities. We are encouraged to be trailblazers, embrace courage, and pursue our desires.

    • The North Node represents an uncomfortable growth edge that leads to destiny and fulfillment.

    • The Aries North Node emphasizes the importance of self-focus and self-care. It teaches us that it's acceptable to prioritize ourselves.

  • The Libra South Node prompts us to shed low vibrations of the sign collectively which emphasizes harmony, relationships, and partnerships. It encourages us to stop waiting for external changes, seeking validation, seeking permission, and sacrificing autonomy for peace.

    • The South Node symbolizes a comfort zone or past mastery that we may revert to for safety.

The South Node in Libra motivates us to let go of outdated relationship beliefs, while the North Node in Aries encourages us to connect with what we truly love, leading with our hearts on a soulful level.

Who Will Feel the Effects of the Eclipse?

  • If your natal chart has planets aligning with the same degree as the eclipse, these placements will be activated and you will feel their influence.

  • Take note of the Mode of the eclipse (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). If your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign matches the mode of the eclipse sign, this period will have a stronger effect on you.

  • The eclipse is expected to impact everyone in some way, regardless of their zodiac sign.

  • Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) may experience a more profound response to this eclipse cycle as they are occurring on the Aries/Libra axis

 All of us are going to want to pay attention to the house in which the eclipse falls as this is particularly important. This can highlight the area of life that is set for transformation.

1st House: self image, going first, initiating, physical body, self empowerment

2nd House: values, money, possessions, security, self worth, resources

3rd House: communication, siblings, writing, verbalizing, the mind, social media

4th House: home, family, mother, emotional security, traditions, heritage, childhood

5th House: creativity, self expression, play, entertainment, pleasure, love affairs

6th House: service, routines, health, animals, daily work, employment

7th House: personal relationships, marriage, partnerships, negotiations

8th House: intimacy, deep healing, joint resources, transformation, mysticism

9th House: philosophy, travel, higher learning, beliefs, publishing, cultures

10th House: career, public life, reputation, social status, ambition, being seen

11th House: community, friends, humanitarianism, freedom, collective, future,

12th House: things hidden, inner work, subconscious, universe connection

Leading Up to the Eclipse:

  • Anticipate the approaching eclipse weeks in advance.

  • Prepare yourself mentally for potential changes and keep an open mindset.

  • Be proactive in getting ready for what lies ahead.


During the Eclipse:

  • I advise against manifesting during eclipses due to their unique energy.

  • Time is better spent absorbing the energy and lessons from the eclipse.

  • Take a pause, reflect, and observe the unfolding themes during this cosmic event.

  • take time to “clear out” what is no longer needed, in order to make “space” for new growth

  • Take care of your inner world - This is a perfect time for meditation, mantras, mindfulness, journaling, and sound healing


After the eclipse, it's time to put the lessons into practice. Return to your usual routine of setting intentions during the new moon and taking action or celebrating during the full moon. Remember, the eclipse will bring change, you will be changed. This is inevitable. Decisions or events during this time are irreversible.


Eclipses spark significant life events where closure meets new beginnings. They accelerate time, ushering in fresh opportunities and bright prospects, or mark the culmination of certain chapters.

I hope this information has been beneficial as you navigate through the tides of the eclipse season. As we conclude, I encourage you to pay attention to what arises and embrace the changes with grace. Embrace the uncertainty with courage, knowing that the universe is guiding you towards your best interests. Embrace this opportunity for growth, gratitude, and radiance.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Libra Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses symbolize evolution and transformation, highlighting areas of misalignment with one's path. Lunar eclipses focus on endings, emotional release, and shedding old patterns. The upcoming lunar eclipse coinciding with the Spring Equinox signals a time for reflection and letting go of what no longer serves. Embrace personal growth, break free from comfort zones, and trust in your internal wisdom to navigate change during this transformative period.

Find what this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse means for you!

March 25th, 2024

Eclipses signify significant periods of evolution, change, and transformation.

A powerful eclipse portal opens between March 25 and April 8, revealing where you may be misaligned with your soul's path and destiny.

Opening the portal is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra. During lunar eclipses, there is a focus on endings and letting go. The full moon sheds light on areas where you may be holding on too tightly, staying within your comfort zone, and resisting growth and expansion.

Eclipse Are The Universe's Way Of Getting You Back Into Alignment

Under this lunation, you can anticipate intense emotions and fatigue, which can reveal subconscious patterns and areas where you may have been neglecting your emotional and intuitive signals regarding essential life changes.

This Full Moon lunar eclipse aligns closely with the Spring Equinox, and is asking you to reflect and examine what to leave behind in this astrological new year, urging you to release what no longer serves you, even if you are uncertain about what will come next. It challenges you to break free from recurring patterns, outdated habits, and versions of yourself that you have outgrown.

Full Moon In Libra

A Full Moon in Libra is finding balance between yourself and the relationships that fill your life. It encourages you to stop seeking external validation and approval, and instead foster a strong self-relationship where you prioritize your well-being.

This full moon encourages you to step into your power, break free from comfort zones, discard repetitive patterns, and overcome obstacles that hold you back.

Release Under the Full Moon

Embrace the shedding of old layers during this Full Moon, as it paves the way for new opportunities and growth.

Although the process may seem daunting and uncertain, remember that it will be immensely rewarding in the end.

During these eclipses, choose to let go and surrender to the flow rather than resist. Trust that within you lies the wisdom to navigate through these changes, and embrace this period of evolution, awakening, and preparation for the new chapter ahead. This eclipse portal concludes with the New Moon in Aries on April 8th.

What to do Under This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Because the energy during the eclipse portal is much more intense than that of a usual Full Moon, I would recommend under this Full Moon to do some honest self reflection.

  • Intentionally find time to sit with yourself for reflection

    • Journal

    • Put on some soft music

    • Light candles

    • Get comfortable

  • Full Moons are not all about the work you are going to "do" - they are also a time of celebration

    • Celebrate this first Full Moon of the year and give yourself the accolades you deserve for how far you have come. You are not the person you were a year ago, you deserve that recognition!

  • Under the light of the Libra Full Moon, ask yourself & reflect on these questions:


1. ✨Reflect on Relationships✨: Use this potent energy to evaluate your relationships, both romantic and platonic. Assess the balance and harmony within these connections. Are there any imbalances or unresolved issues that need attention? Take this opportunity to have honest conversations and seek mutual understanding and compromise.


2. ✨Seek Inner Harmony✨: Engage in activities that promote inner peace and harmony. This eclipse highlights the importance of finding balance within yourself. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to center your mind, body, and spirit. Reflect on areas of your life where you may feel out of alignment and take steps to restore balance.


3. ✨Release and Let Go✨: Eclipses are powerful times for release and transformation. Identify any negative patterns, limiting beliefs, or emotional baggage that you're ready to release. Write them down on paper and perform a releasing ritual, such as burning the paper or burying it in the earth, symbolizing your willingness to let go and make space for new growth and opportunities.


By working with the energy of the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th in these ways, you can harness its transformative potential and align with the cosmic currents of change and renewal

Using Your Chart, Find The House Where You Have 5° Libra

This house represents the area of life this Full Moon Eclipse is highlighting for you and reminding you to commit to decisions you make here, making sure your needs are being met, and where a healthy balance is required.

 ✨Ask yourself these questions as it pertains to that area of your life:

    • What are you leaving behind as you step into this new astrological year?

    • In what ways have you remained in your comfort zone and minimized yourself to accommodate others?

    • How have your tendencies to seek external validation and approval hindered your progress?

    • Are there recurring patterns in your relationships where your intuition is urging you to move on or commit wholeheartedly?

Libra through the houses:

1st house: self, self image, leading, going first, initiating, physical body, self empowerment

2nd House: values, money & wealth, possessions, security, safety, spending habits, self worth, resources

3rd House: communication, siblings, day to day environment, short distance travel, writing, verbalizing, the mind & learning, connective technology

4th House: home, family, mother, emotional security, traditions, heritage, childhood

5th House: creativity, self expression, children, play, romance, entertainment, pleasure, love affairs

6th House: service, routines, health, animals, daily work, employment

7th House: personal relationships, marriage, partnerships, negotiations

8th House:  intimacy,  deep healing, joint resources, death, taxes, sex, transformation, inheritance, mysticism

9th House: philosophy, travel, higher learning, beliefs, exploring, religion, publishing, cultures

10th House: career, public life, reputation, father, recognition, accomplishments, social status, ambition, being seen

11th House: community, friends, humanitarianism, freedom, collective, hopes, wishes, dreams, future, innovating

12th House: spirituality, things hidden, meeting the soul, inner work, subconscious, universe connection

As always, if you're unsure about the significance of this eclipse for you or wish to explore further into the upcoming year, consider booking a birth chart reading with me. Together, we can delve into what this eclipse is emphasizing and uncover what the year ahead holds for you.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aries Season Gifts

Aries season gifts! Gift guide for your favorite zodiac enthusiast!

Aries is The Fiery Warrior: Leading, taking action, initiating

Curated gifts from Ashley - an astrologer and enthusiast of zodiac gifts.

I have compiled my top picks for the Aries season. Drawing inspiration from the essence of The Ram, these suggestions can serve as gift ideas for your favorite Aries, along with some of my personal favorites for astrology, self-care, and healing.

All items are sourced from Amazon, and if you make a purchase through a link on this site, I may receive a commission.

Fire Element Candle

Aries is Fire: The element of inspiration. This is movement, action and excitement. Aries is our internal flame, connecting us with our desires and passions.

Burning Through Ink

I consciously call on this archetype to embody many times in my life because It embodies the energy we seek when starting something new. Stock up with these luxurious felt pens to make sure you dont run dry during Aries Season.

Turn Up The Heat

A simple yet powerful way to connect with this energy is wearing the color red. Infuse your life with that fiery Aries essence with this warm and glamorous red coat.

In The Pursuit of Self-Improvement

To tap into this go-getter energy, engage in physical activities, try new exercises, and venture out of your comfort zone.

Red Planet

This one, it's is a personal favorite of mine (both Aries & this brand). I consciously call on this archetype to embody many times in my life because It embodies the energy we seek when starting something new. You’ll feel ready to take on anything in this flattering bodysuit. The fabric and fit are amazing!

Infuse Aries Energy Into Your Space

Aries is the inner flame that burns within us all, giving us direction, connecting us to desire, drive, and movement. Surround yourself with the element of fire so you can tap into the abundant energy around you and embody the Aries archetype intentionally.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aries Season 2024

It's Aries season, marking the astrological start of the new year. Cheers to the astrological new year – we've made it!

It's Aries season, marking the astrological start of the new year. Cheers to the astrological new year – we've made it! I am thrilled about this fresh energy. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries signifies a new beginning. Let's leave the past seasons behind as we embrace change and step into a year unlike any other. Aries represents the warrior archetype – bold, passionate, and ruled by the fiery planet Mars. This season is a personal favorite of mine. It embodies the energy we seek when starting something new, aiming to conquer, initiate, dominate, lead, excel, and achieve success. It's the Aries energy we call upon. I adore this season for its liberating, motivating, and exhilarating vibes.

If you are feeling it too you're eager for growth ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and really growth this year, consider joining my digital course Embody Your Astrology this will help you to unlock new insights and skills. Because As we go through this episode we will talk about how this season is about the self, investing in personal endeavors for our personal advancement, now there is still going to be a lot of lingering Pisces influence, and what may  usually be an outward focused Aries season, you may find that what lights your internal fires has an inward focus, or desire for self discovery, so this is a perfect season to learn something new, do something for yourself, to empower yourself and what a perfect way to do that using the tools that your astrology can provide. You can sign up today,, and really start living your astrology!

At this moment, it's a chance for a fresh start, a restart, a renewal. While the traditional human calendar marks the new year in January, that time falls in the depths of winter (in the northern hemisphere). Mother nature is not starting anything- she is still n reflection and rest. But now, this, is the astrological beginning of a new year. Happy New Year!

It's a cosmic refresh, a cosmic restart. If you've been following along with me through each season, you've been gearing up for this since January. It was during Capricorn season that we began planning, setting goals, and organizing ourselves for the year ahead. Aquarius season challenged us to think broader, think differently, and consider new perspectives on our dreams and future goals. As we transition from the dreamy, spiritual Pisces season, which focuses on endings and unseen realms, we reflect on the lessons of the zodiac signs we've traversed. It's a time to dream big, so that when Aries season arrives, we are fueled with excitement and determination to pursue our desires. The current energy signifies the thrill of embarking on a journey, where we eagerly leap from the starting line with a go-getter attitude.

Individuals with an Aries sun, moon, or rising sign, or a predominantly Aries chart, typically exhibit a direct, sometimes confrontational, no-nonsense leadership and personality style.


This Aries season promises to be exceptional, filled with adventure, new beginnings, unexpected endings(foreshadowing for the upcoming eclipse season), passion, drive, excitement, competition, and a sense of rejuvenation.

Now there's a few other things I want to note which I will cover in more depth in the upcoming Bellastrology podcast episodes - but these are really strong players  that are going to be making plays over the next month that you're going to want to be aware of, and mindful of what they bring to the forecast


On March 25th, right on the heels of the start of Aries season, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will occur in Libra, bringing a surge of transformative energy. Eclipses introduce volatility and sudden shifts, leading to endings and new beginnings. This potent Full Moon Eclipse will support us in releasing the urge to seek approval from others, allowing us to prioritize self-authenticity. It's essential to be aware of shedding codependent behaviors and embracing independence during this phase.

The close of the portal is the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th in the featured sign of Aries, really cementing the importance of the work you are doing in the name of you self, individuality, and what's important to you.


The initial retrograde of the year kicks off on April 1st - Mercury goes into retrograde (April Fools' Day!). Don't worry about retrogrades; they are simply a gentle nudge from the Universe to take things slow. If you're rushing or acting impulsively, Mercury might cause miscommunications, travel issues, or tech glitches to grab your attention. This nudging serves to remind us of the importance of finding a balance between acting impulsively and thinking things through carefully.

This is one of the things that going to require a necessary conscious tempering of Aries' impulsiveness. Stay mindful of where you direct your energy to avoid potential chaos, especially in the eclipse's presence.


To make the most of this season, tap into the abundant energy around you and embody the Aries archetype intentionally. Consider what you want to initiate or revive, as Aries excels at beginnings. While finishing may not be their strong suit, that's acceptable since Aries marks the start of the zodiac, and there are 11 other signs to follow to help conclude and refine things. This season is about getting things off the ground. Aries embodies the qualities of a warrior – courageous, bold, outspoken, and playful.

This is all about being aware, stepping into the observer role, and maintaining control. Embrace the Aries energy to kickstart something new, to transition from planning to action.

To tap into this energy, engage in physical activities, try new exercises, and venture out of your comfort zone.  Simple yet powerful ways to connect with this energy are things like wearing the color red, lighting candles, eating spicy foods, and engaging in competitive activities and sports. These things can really heat things up and help to infuse your life with that fiery Aries essence. 

Pay attention to the area of your chart where you have Aries and the house(s) that it touches because this is the area of life being activated for the next month! This is the are of life you are being asked to be a trailblazer, bring courage, take the lead, where no one is going to tell you no!

 Ok, Let's go through the houses-

  • 1st House: You are ready to kick off strongly, share your ambitious goals with others and fearlessly chasing after them. You will discover a heightened sense of self-awareness and a strong desire to harmonize your personal brand with your interests. This period is an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impression.

  • 2nd House: In the second house of income, seize the chance to transform your great ideas into successful endeavors by presenting them during this period. You will become more attuned to hobbies and tasks that align with your values, things that truly deserve your dedication. This phase promotes scheduling organization, boosting self-esteem, and enhancing your financial results.

  • 3rd House: In the third house of communication, expect a vibrant and socially engaging month. Fill your schedule with bustling social events with friends, and you will feel compelled to interact with everyone in your social circle. Redirect your focus towards fostering friendships and satisfying your curiosity. You might want to collaborate with friends or siblings to plan a local getaway or join an online course, like the “Embody Your Astrology” digital course!

  • 4th House: Your attention will mainly turn towards your loved ones and personal life. If you feel the need to take a break and unwind more than usual, embrace it without guilt, especially given your typical commitment to hard work. This phase offers a wonderful chance to focus on strengthening bonds with your nearest family and friends, sharing memories, and proactively addressing any emotional healing that may arise.

  • 5th House: In the 5th house, which symbolizes romance and self-expression, you may experience a surge in carefree and joyful energy. If you've been caught up in tight deadlines, it might be beneficial to pause and introduce more leisure time for fun, spontaneity, and creative pursuits – especially with loved ones. You'll discover how this can actually boost your productivity!

  • 6th House: Positioned in the sixth house associated with routine and well-being, this period is perfect for tackling those seemingly minor tasks on your agenda. By addressing doctor appointments or postponed organizational duties, you'll experience a heightened sense of tranquility and concentration. Moreover, you may find yourself inspired to try out new fitness methods, driven by a newfound assurance in looking after your health. 

  • 7th House: Emphasizing one-on-one relationships is crucial in this placement. It goes beyond focusing on a partner, friend, business associate, or family member. While progress can be achieved in shared goals and quality time with loved ones, this phase also allows you to strengthen your own identity. Evaluate how you provide support and receive it in return, empowering you to have a stronger sense of self-awareness.

  • 8th House: In the eighth house, which emphasizes emotional connections and intimacy, you might discover a tendency to openly express emotions and engage in deep conversations with loved ones. Shallow interactions could seem unfulfilling as you are drawn towards exploring profound emotions, yours as well as those of others. Moreover, this phase offers a wonderful chance to advance in initiatives related to shared assets like investments, savings, or settling debts.

  • 9th House: An excellent time to break away from routine and venture into uncharted territories is through long-distance travel, acquiring new expertise, or teaming up with a mentor to gain novel insights into your current beliefs. Embracing change at this moment can bring true satisfaction and push you beyond your familiar boundaries. 

  • 10th House: This house relates to your career and public image. It's a good time to focus on your professional aspirations. Your superiors may appreciate your ability to initiate innovative projects and could even suggest you take on a higher-level role. 

  • 11th House: This house represents networking and long-term goals. You’re goign to want to concentrate on a significant desire. Embracing this desire could lead you towards true satisfaction, especially when you engage with your supportive network. These relationships and friendships will propel you towards the vision of your future self.

  • 12th House: During this time, you might experience a sense of peace and tranquility as Aries season highlights your twelfth house, which is connected to spirituality and inner magic. You may seek more solitude and participate in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Pay attention to your dreams, as they might be vivid and inspire new goals that you'll feel inspired to pursue in the coming month.

I hope you are inspired and ready to heat things up this season!

Thank you for being part of my community. I can’t express to you how much it lights me up, fills my cup to share this space with you, and to share my love of astrology with you.

If you are interested in a reading, now is the perfect opportunity to explore what this year has in store for you and how you can embrace your inner warrior to achieve your goals through a personalized reading with me.  Let's explore how you can align with the cosmic currents to really take a proactive approach to manifest your dreams. —book your reading today on and let's shed some light and illuminate your path to make this your most success this year, in whatever way that means for.

Happy birthday to all the trailblazing Aries out there – this is your time to shine. Thank you for igniting our spirits, pushing us beyond boundaries, and guiding us to new horizons.

We are all so excited to see what you do.


From my heart to yours - bye for now✨

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Pisces Season Inspirations

Pisces is The Spiritualist Creative: Dreamy, Compassionate, Otherworldly, Artist

Curated gifts from Ashley - an astrologer and enthusiast of zodiac gifts.

I have compiled my top picks for the Pisces season. Drawing inspiration from the essence of the season, these suggestions can serve as gift ideas for your favorite Pisces, along with some of my personal favorites for astrology, self-care, and healing.


All items are sourced from Amazon, and if you make a purchase through a link on this site, I may receive a commission.

Cozy & Connected

Comfort is never out of style.

Dancing Into Spring

Feel the movement in your soul

Dazzle With The Universe

Dainty & Elegant - it’s the little things

Set The Mood

Ambiance is essential

Romantisize Your Life

Smooth, form fitting, luxurious

Stay Hydrated

This is a water season after all

Connections to the other side

11 Lessons to Understand the Quiet Urges of Your Soul

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aquarius Season Gifts

Aquarius is The Authentic Innovator: visionary,  progressive, problem solver, connector, futurist

Curated gifts from Ashley - an astrologer and enthusiast of zodiac gifts.

I have compiled my top picks for the Aquarius season. Drawing inspiration from the essence of Aquarius, these suggestions can serve as gift ideas for your favorite Aquarian, along with some of my personal favorites for astrology, self-care, and healing.

All items are sourced from Amazon, and if you make a purchase through a link on this site, I may receive a commission.

Aquarius is the ruler of Astrology - I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning astrology. As a professional, I reference this book all of the time!

Ideal for rituals, work, or relaxation. The product features not just stunning packaging but also offers a captivating range to match your mood.

Aquarius Birthstone: Crystals for Aquarius Season
Leverage these crystals during Aquarius season for healing and to harness the energy of The Water Bearer.

Infuse your ritual time with elegance. Sparkling gold and opulent fragrance.

Strolling on a cloud. I wear these slippers throughout my workday, and occasionally, they accompany me to the store…!

Time for some self-care. Treat your eyes after spending the whole day staring at a computer screen.

This yoga mat is my all-time favorite! I have a not-so-secret obsession with Pendleton; the colors are incredibly vibrant! This mat will definitely make you stand out and express yourself boldly!

Stay centered during this "air" season. Harmonize your mind and heart by using a heart chakra singing crystal bowl..

This might be the season to kick off your podcast! Here's the ideal beginner microphone to help you get started.

I can’t get enough of these table top fire pits. When candle flame just simply isn’t enough. It’s a whole vibe!

Instead of carrying everything in your yoga pant pockets, this case offers plenty of room for cards and cash.

Elevate your phone case with glam and add an eye catching gold chain.

Natural Deodorant for Women & Men | Aluminum Free with Seaweed Extracts, Shea Butter & Probiotics | Free From Parabens, Sulfates & Phthalates.

Aquarius humor! Brighten the mood with this revitalizing fragrance accompanied by a dash of clever wit.

Sophisticated style or pair with athleisure attire. This brand is fantastic; from their bodysuits to these tops, the fit is amazing, flattering, and this top is my absolute favorite.

In the spirit of Aquarius! Learn the art for yourself and detach (in a healthy way). Appropriate read for Aquarius season.

Amethyst Crystals Suncatcher to liven up your room, and heal your day.

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Aquarius New Moon


Are you willing to embrace the potential for something even better?

Remain open to the idea that outcomes may differ from your expectations 

-New Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is 
The Authentic Innovator: visionary,  progressive, problem solver, connector, futurist

The energy of this New Moon can bring about an internal uprising and a drive to innovate. Both luminaries together in the sky ignites excitement about venturing beyond comfort zones and making significant changes.


This energy hints at an impending shift, urging us to move and evolve, does this resonate with similar feelings you have been experiencing?

During the new moon, it is a prime time to sow the seeds for your desires to manifest. Pull in closer your hopes, wishes & dreams for your future. The current cosmic energy encourages exploring fresh ideas, envisioning a new self, and recognizing that past strategies may no longer serve your future aspirations. Growth and evolution necessitate shedding old ways and embracing a transformed self. The new moon signifies an opportunity for significant change.

By embracing the Aquarian influence, you can adopt a fresh outlook, welcome change, and pave the way for a more genuine and satisfying future. Be open to the transformative energy of this new moon, which might bring sudden insights and innovative solutions. Reflect on areas where you feel restricted and consider how embracing freedom could benefit you. 

Remain open to the idea that outcomes may differ from your expectations. Are you willing to embrace the potential for something even better?

Aquarius Themes:  

  • Trust the vision

  • Innovate

  • Hopes & dreams

  • The future

  • My community

  • Expect the unexpected

Take this time to assess your relationships, ensuring they align authentically with your true self or need adjustment. Under the Aquarius energy, any constraints or limitations in relationships/situations/thinking may come to a head. You may discover dynamics that no longer resonate with your authentic self. The new moon can bring up what may be holding you back, provided you allow yourself the space to acknowledge it.


If you're like me, and you have been tuning into the vibration of change brought to us by the season of Aquarius, you no doubt have been feeling the push to evolve, improve, innovate. I notice a strong yearning for connection and community emerging, emphasizing the importance of expanding social circles and fostering meaningful relationships.

Under this moon I commit to a new perspective, to looking at things different, because where I am going is going to require me to do things differently and shed the parts of me that are not coming with me as I evolve into my higher self.

The house of your chart that contains 20° degrees of Aquarius is where you will feel the invitation of this new moon the most deeply.

Bring these perspectives to the Aquarius ruled area of your chart

  • To combat stagnation, I adopt a new outlook.

  • Evolution and growth push me to step away from my familiar routines.

  • I welcome a fresh perspective, enabling me to detach from personal issues and adopt an objective view.

  • Liberation & Freedom. What constraints or limitations do I see in my relationships/situations/thinking that are holding me back?

House of 20° Aquarius in Your Chart:

  • 1st: Body, self-image, personal identity

  • 2nd: Finances, stability, self-worth

  • 3rd: Communication, ideas, sharing

  • 4th: Family, home, unconscious, roots

  • 5th: Creativity, play, self-expression

  • 6th: Health, service, routines

  • 7th: Relationships, balance, boundaries

  • 8th: Intimacy, privacy, shadow work

  • 9th: Big ideas, travel, expansion

  • 10th: Career, reputation, work ethic

  • 11th: Friends, technology, community

  • 12th: Spirit, mysticism, subconscious

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Ashley Bella Astrology Ashley Bella Astrology

Wolf Full Moon

FULL WOLF MOON | 1.25.24 | 5° LEO | 9:54AM PST

The Wolf Moon: Self-Expression and Growth

Greetings from Minnesota,

The first full moon of the year is upon us, setting the stage for self-expression in the months ahead. This lunar event is known as the Wolf Moon, named after the wolves that howl during the chilly winter nights. As a self-proclaimed wolf enthusiast, I couldn't be more excited! There's something about these majestic creatures that truly speaks to me on a spiritual level. While full moons can often bring about drama and intense emotions, the Wolf Moon of January 2024 is all about letting go of repressed fears and insecurities to unleash your creative full potential. So, let's heed the call of the wild and embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation.

Honoring Yourself with the Full Moon

The full moon is a time of both celebration and self-reflection. Take a moment to appreciate your accomplishments and consider what needs attention in your life to enact positive change. This full moon is all about love – specifically, loving yourself for who you are and embracing your creativity. Remember, we are only here for a short while, so pursue joy in your life, even in the simplest of pleasures. Take the time to recognize what makes you shine and embrace that part of yourself, even if it feels scary. It's easy to get caught up in seeking validation from others, but this moon wants to remind you that self-love is the most important kind. You are worthy of love and adoration, and that begins with loving yourself. So, let yourself be heard and stand tall in your truth. Howl with the highest vibration of love and without fear, for this moment shall not come again.

To see what the Wolf Moon has in store for you, check your astrological chart for the house containing 5° of Leo. This will reveal the specific area of your life that is calling for you.

1st House: Surge of self-expression and confidence. It's a time to embrace your achievements and seek recognition for your hard work. Take advantage of this period to explore new creative avenues and let your true self shine through. Don't be afraid to be bold and authentic – you've got this!


2nd House: Emphasis on personal finances, material possessions, and self-esteem. Inclination to indulge in pleasures and reap the rewards of your hard work. Take this opportunity to evaluate your financial goals and ensure they align with your values and resources. The key message is to strike a balance between expressing yourself and making responsible financial decisions.


3rd House: Communication, learning, and local connections take center stage. Use creative expression through writing, speaking, or any other means of communication to put your thoughts out there. It's a great time to share your ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and strengthen connections with siblings or neighbors. Embrace your creativity and let your voice be heard!


4th House: The theme is home, family & emotional foundations. Notice a strong desire for warmth and connection within your family. Nurture your personal space, seek comfort in your home, and express feelings openly with loved ones. Reflect on your emotional well being and consider how you can create a harmonious domestic environment. 


5th House: Accentuating creativity, romance, and self expression. You are encouraged to embrace your passions, engage in artistic pursuits and find your joy. This could also spark a heightened desire for romantic connections and playful self expression. It’s time to celebrate your individuality, explore your creative side and express your emotions freely. 


6th House: Focus is on your work, health, and daily routines. You may feel a burst of enthusiasm to shine in your professional endeavors. Use this moon to focus on self improvement, both in terms of health and work habits. Take pride in your accomplishments and consider how you can bring more joy and creativity into your daily tasks. Balancing self expression with practical responsibilities. 


7th House: Spotlight on your partnerships, relationships and collaborations. Notice heightened emotions in your close relationships and a desire for mutual admiration and recognition. Where can you strengthen your bonds, express yourself more openly and celebrate the unique qualities of your partnerships? 


8th House: A check in on your emotional investments and brining to the surface any underlying issues so they can be transformed into medicine. This moon can prompt passionate and transformative experiences in areas of shared resources and intimate relationships. Embrace the personal growth you have attained through your profound connections. 


9th House: Where have you been holding back and playing small because of some outdated beliefs or criticism? This is a call to embrace your adventurous spirit and seek experiences that expand your horizons whether through travel, education, or philosophical pursuits. Express your ideas boldly and consider how you can infuse creativity in your quest for personal and intellectual growth.


10th House: Take a moment and reflect on your career, public image and ambitions. It's time to showcase your talents and take pride in your professional achievements. The sun is shining on your leadership qualities which will lead to recognition for your creative contributions. Your career is your personal expression, so consider how your image reflects your authentic self. Time to display creative prowess in your pubic sphere. 


11th House: Casting call for social connections, friendships, and aspirations. Express your individuality within group dynamics to celebrate your unique qualities among friends. Consider aligning your social activities with your creative interests as what you bring intuitively will enhance the group dynamics. Inspire your social circles with a touch of creativity and flair.


12th House: Take time to honor yourself through self discovery and introspection. Get creative and spend some time exploring your inner world. Reflecting on dreams, intuition, and hidden talents can bring hidden aspects and messages calling to you, to the surface. Cater to your imaginative energies and witness how creative self expression can serve as a form of catharsis. 


Happy Full Wolf Moon!

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