New Moon in Virgo

A Time to Reclaim Your Center

8:55 PM Central Time

11° of Virgo

As the New Moon graces the meticulous and service-oriented sign of Virgo, we are invited to pause, reflect, and restore order in our lives. Virgo, the zodiac's perfectionist, is deeply connected to the themes of health, routine, and being of service—not just to others, but crucially, to ourselves. This New Moon offers a potent reminder: before we can truly serve others, we must first attend to our own needs and well-being.

The essence of Virgo is rooted in the art of paying attention to the details, finding beauty in the small things, and striving for order and consistency in everyday life. Yet, the underlying message of this New Moon is about more than just organization or efficiency. It’s about realigning with your inner self after the whirlwind of summer’s adventures, late nights, and spontaneity of the last few months.

Summer often scatters our energies, pulling us in many different directions. We chase the sun, embrace the freedom of long days, and relish the excitement that comes with a break from routine. However, as the season winds down, it’s natural to feel a bit untethered, as though parts of ourselves have been left behind in the warm glow of summer's sun.

This New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity to gather those scattered pieces, to call back the parts of you that may have strayed. It's a time to return to your center, to ground yourself, and to prepare for the more introspective and structured energies of the autumn season.

Use this new moon to set intentions that support your well-being—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Reflect on the areas of your life that may have fallen into disarray and consider how you can bring them back into alignment. This is not about rigid perfectionism but rather about gentle self-care and the cultivation of routines that nourish you.

Consider journaling about what balance looks like for you right now. What practices or habits do you need to revisit or recommit to in order to feel whole again? What areas of your life need more attention, and how can you approach them with the compassionate, healing energy of Virgo?

Remember, the act of service starts within. By tending to your own needs, you replenish your reserves and become better equipped to be of service to others. This New Moon in Virgo brings with it a chance to realign with your purpose, refine your daily rituals, and restore order to both your inner and outer worlds.

Take this time to ground yourself, reconnect with your intentions, and prepare for the harvest season ahead. When you honor yourself, you create a solid foundation from which you can support and uplift those around you.

✨PS. Remember Virgos, as your birthday month us upon us, you get 15% any reading you schedule during your season!

Use code VIRGO at checkout when scheduling your session. I can’t wait to celebrate with you!


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