Cancer Season 2024

First and foremost, I want to extend the warmest birthday wishes to all Cancers out there! I have such a deep appreciation for this zodiac sign as some of my most cherished relationships are with Cancers – you are my ride or dies, and I truly value your presence in my life! Your season is a time to be celebrated in every way. Being part of your inner circle means so much to me!

The Sun moves through Cancer on June 20th - July 22nd, 2024

Transitioning from the vibrant and active energy of Gemini to the introspective and emotional season of Cancer, we shift our attention from the intellect to the heart.

The upcoming Cancer season is notably significant, commencing on the Summer Solstice followed by he full moon in Capricorn the following day, and culminating with another full moon in Capricorn, highlighting a profoundly powerful theme for us all to explore.

The Cancer - Capricorn Axis

Under the influence of Cancer, which is governed by the moon, our focus turns towards our intuition and emotional well-being, shaping our essential needs in this lifetime. This water sign embodies emotions, intuition, psychic abilities, and all things hidden beneath the surface. It's a period to turn inward, fostering a sense of security and comfort within ourselves, which in turn reflects in our immediate environment, family dynamics, and home life. It's about establishing a deep connection with the core essence of our being.

Summer Solstice 6/20/2024

As a Cardinal sign, Cancer marks the beginning of a new phase in the zodiac cycle and the seasonal transition. Starting on the Summer Solstice, Cancer season propels us into the latter half of the year and a fresh chapter of the Earth's seasonal cycle.

Now, let's delve into Cancer and Capricorn, exploring their potent archetypes and how we can tap into their wisdom to maximize the benefits of this Cancer season.

Each time we step into a new zodiac season, there's always a sign opposite to it on the zodiac wheel. This season is particularly potent as we have two full moons in Capricorn, the sign opposite to Cancer, embodying contrasting yet complementary approaches to similar themes. Cancer represents the internal emotional nurturing and healing work we engage in, while Capricorn signifies our external endeavors, ambitions, and the structures we aim to establish in the world.

Full Moons in Capricorn: 6/21/24 & 7/21/24

Starting with the Summer Solstice, it's a significant time for reflection, marking the longest day of the year. Consider where you are in your journey, balancing past, present, and future while integrating emotions with ambitions.

Cancer signifies our emotional memories, while Capricorn represents ambition and drive towards the future. This season prompts us to connect with our deepest emotions and desires, reflecting our internal state in our external world.

At this moment, focus on inner work, honoring and understanding yourself. Capricorn embodies authority and responsibility, urging us to address our fears and trust our intuition.

The lower vibrations of Capricorn lead us to perceive success as a mere status symbol, focusing on how to appear successful. Prioritizing money, power, and control, we exhaust ourselves in pursuit of these goals. Concerned about others' perceptions, we reveal only certain aspects of our personalities, keeping much of our true selves hidden in the shadows. Sometimes, we adopt personas that contradict our core values.

On the other hand, the shadow side of Cancer manifests as neediness, codependency, and people-pleasing behavior. When embodying this aspect of Cancer, we seek validation through being needed by others, neglecting our own well-being. We prioritize caring for others over ourselves, suppressing our emotions and intuition. Without a clear connection to our intuition, we struggle to make sound decisions and rely on others for guidance.

By releasing the shadow aspects of Cancer and Capricorn, we are reminded of who we are - to come back home to our selves, and we can fully embrace ourselves, feel connected to others and the wisdom of the Universe. We gain clarity in our energy, understanding our path ahead. Prioritizing self-care, we recognize the significance of our life's purpose, knowing it influences every aspect of our being. We also learn to take breaks from our work, setting boundaries to recharge our spirits, benefiting all areas of our lives.

 This season emphasizes emotional intelligence, self-love, and authenticity, guiding us to make decisions that align with our soul's purpose, rather than seeking external validation.

Celebrate Cancer season by nurturing your inner world, aligning ambitions with true purpose for a balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace the wisdom of these archetypes to honor emotional depth and external achievements.

Happy Birthday Cancer! This is your time to shine, teaching us the importance of self-care and nurturing.

Explore what this season holds for you by signing up for a birth chart reading at!

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From my heart to yours, bye for now!


Leo New Moon


Gemini Season