Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

✨ 9/17/24 ✨7:41PM CT✨25°PISCES


Hello from My Backyard,

This Pisces full moon (it’s a SUPER MOON TOO!) lunar eclipse is illuminating the themes of sweetness, kindness, and compassion, which we could all benefit from in today’s world. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces embodies the essence of unconditional love.

Under this full moon, you might discover a creative spark or rekindle your passion for poetry or dance. Pisces, being a highly sensitive and intuitive sign, it's essential to pay attention to the deeper meanings that may arise leading up to and in the days following the eclipse. Pisces governs dreams, so you may encounter vivid or profound visions during this lunar event. If you find yourself not being able to sleep (which is very common during a full moon!) pay attention to your daydreams. This is a time to notice, trust your intuition, and receive the messages that are often hidden in plain sight. This to me is magic ✨ With heightened sensitivity during a lunar eclipse, the veil between worlds becomes thinner, allowing us to stay grounded while reaching for the stars.

In a world that can be challenging, embodying love and compassion may feel daunting, and this moon might bring a quieter energy than usual, especially visually, as shadows cast darkness. This is an ideal moment for self-compassion and healing past wounds, whatever that may signify for you. It's the perfect time to delve deep and connect with your feelings, as many may experience spiritual awakenings or heightened intuition during this period.

What Are The Key Themes For This Full Moon?

Spiritual Awakening & Intuition: The Eclipse in Pisces highlights the dissolving of boundaries and the awakening of our deeper spiritual self. I encourage you to trust in your intuition and lean into your inner knowing.

Release and Surrender: Lunar eclipses are powerful moments for release, and in Pisces, it’s about letting go of old emotional baggage, illusions, and limiting beliefs. Pisces is a sign of water, and when you think about swimming freely, In order to do that you need to release anything holding you back or weighing you down.  I am talking about the power of surrender and how it’s a step toward empowerment.

Dreams & Creativity: Pisces rules the realm of dreams, so this is a time to reconnect with creative visions and spiritual goals. I encourage you to pay attention to dreams, symbols, and synchronicities.

Compassion & Healing: Pisces carries deep compassion, one for themselves but especially for others, and all sentient beings. We can only express the love at which we love ourselves, so under this moon you may find that triggers come up or old wounds resurface. Try not to ignore these when they happen. Whether it's your subconscious or higher self, notice the messages that are being portrayed right now for you. Eclipse are powerful times of energy, so you can use this power to help you find your own healing, self love and empathy,  both for others and yourself.

Emotional Cleansing: Eclipse energy is BIG. It's POWERFUL. And depending on what's coming up for you, you may notice the need an emotional reset, a chance to let go of what no longer serves you, so you can create space for new emotional patterns.

Who Will Be Affected by the Pisces Lunar Eclipse

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse will have a more noticeable impact on those with prominent placements in the mutable signs: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. If you  have key placements like the Sun, Moon, rising sign, or personal planets (Mercury, Venus, or Mars) in these signs, you’ll feel the energy more strongly. This eclipse may bring significant changes, revelations, or emotional breakthroughs for these individuals.


However, Pisces and Virgo placements, in particular, will feel the intensity of this eclipse since Pisces is the sign of the eclipse, and Virgo is its opposite. These signs will be called to balance logic and intuition, service to others and spiritual connection, and practical concerns with emotional healing.


How to Identify Where the Eclipse is Happening in Your Chart:


1. Locate 25° Pisces in Your Birth Chart: 

    The house that Pisces occupies in your chart will highlight the area of life where this eclipse brings shifts, emotional release, and new spiritual insights.


2. Focus on the House:

   Each house in the birth chart rules specific areas of life. Here’s a quick guide to what each house represents and how you can use the eclipse energy based on the house that Pisces falls into:


   - 1st House: Personal identity and self-expression. This is a major time of personal transformation and self-awareness. Empowerment comes from owning who you truly are.

   - 2nd House: Money, values, and self-worth. Let go of old financial fears or scarcity mindsets. Empowerment comes from aligning your values with abundance and security.

   - 3rd House: Communication, thoughts, and local environment. Release limiting beliefs or toxic communication patterns. Empowerment comes from expressing yourself authentically and trusting your voice.

   - 4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundations. This is a powerful moment for emotional healing related to family or past wounds. Empowerment comes from creating a safe emotional space for yourself.

   - 5th House: Creativity, romance, and joy. Release creative blocks or fear of self-expression. Empowerment comes from embracing your inner artist and allowing yourself to enjoy life.

   - 6th House: Health, routines, and service. Let go of unhealthy habits or a work-life imbalance. Empowerment comes from creating healthy routines that nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

   - 7th House: Relationships and partnerships. Release toxic relationship patterns or limiting beliefs about love. Empowerment comes from forming relationships that reflect mutual growth and emotional connection.

   - 8th House: Transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. This is a time of deep transformation. Let go of control or fear around intimacy. Empowerment comes from embracing vulnerability and personal power.

   - 9th House: Beliefs, travel, and higher learning. Release limiting worldviews or dogmatic beliefs. Empowerment comes from expanding your mind and embracing spiritual and personal growth.

   - 10th House: Career, public image, and reputation. Let go of career fears or blocks around success. Empowerment comes from aligning your work with your true calling and taking charge of your public image.

   - 11th House: Friendships, community, and dreams for the future. Release outdated friendships or limiting beliefs about your future. Empowerment comes from connecting with like-minded souls and embracing your vision.

   - 12th House: Spirituality, the subconscious, and hidden truths. This is a time of deep spiritual release and introspection. Empowerment comes from surrendering to the flow of the universe and trusting your spiritual journey.

Happy Full Moon!


Falling For Libra Season


New Moon in Virgo