Aries Full Moon

October 17th, 2024 | 6:26am Central Time | 24° Aries

This is a moment of initiation—or a breaking point….because this Full Moon is asking you to get uncomfortable for your own good.

You might feel a deep urge to push past complacency, to finally take action on something you’ve been holding back on, or you might be feeling the discomfort that comes with stepping outside your comfort zone. But here’s the thing: growth doesn’t come without a little discomfort, and this Full Moon is here to remind us of that.

Astrologically, this Full Moon brings intense energy. The Sun in Libra opposes the Moon in Aries, while both square Pluto and Mars, creating tension. Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, pushes us toward personal power through destruction and healing. Mars, ruler of Aries, adds heat—its aggressive, courageous energy driving us to take action and face challenges head-on. Meanwhile, Chiron, the wounded healer, is conjunct the Moon, reminding us that true healing often comes with discomfort, but the outcome is a stronger, more empowered version of ourselves. These conditions set the stage for deep transformation and tell us that sometimes we need to be pushed into action, even for the things we deeply want and dream of. As humans, we don’t naturally gravitate toward discomfort. Our subconscious is designed to keep us safe, so we avoid it. That’s why we need the support of Aries energy and the push from Pluto to get uncomfortable for our own good.

I keep thinking about the quote:

“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” - John A. Shedd

(Mars roars, as Pluto pushes you out the door…)

This energy highlights areas where you may have sacrificed your peace to keep the peace. Where have you made yourself small or quieted your desires to avoid rocking the boat? Or maybe…you're finally so sick of your own shit, you have no choice but to make change. This Full Moon will shine a light on those places and may give you the nudge (or kick) you need to finally make a move you wouldn’t otherwise.

The best advice for navigating this energy is to watch your emotions leading up to the Full Moon. Avoid hasty decisions or impulsive reactions. Instead, use this raw energy as fuel to move forward if you’ve been feeling stuck. It’s time to rely on your own inner strength, take matters into your own hands, and lead from a place of power—ensuring that confidence doesn’t stem from arrogance, but from the true power of your heart and soul.

You’ll likely feel a strong urge to move your body to release that pent-up energy. Anything you’ve been holding onto may feel like it’s about to explode.

Look back in your journal, your camera roll, or think back to what was going on for you April 8th, 2024.

This moon represents the culmination of a six-month journey that began with the Aries Solar Eclipse in April—an invitation to step into your independence, speak your truth, and take courageous leaps, even when it feels like an uphill battle.

At the Full Moon we celebrate our wins, how far we've come, and what we've concurred, but it’s also when we reflect on what we need to release and let go of in order to move forward.  This is a time to release old patterns of self-sabotage, indecision, or external validation that have been holding you back from fully stepping into your power.

 Speaking of power, remember that no one has the ability to give or take away yours. True power comes from within. Use this Full Moon to take aligned action that serves your highest self, rather than reacting impulsively out of frustration or impatience. Let your actions come from a place of strength and clarity, grounded in what’s best for your soul’s growth.

 Look to the Aries-ruled part of your chart. Is this the area of life where you’re fed up? Where you’ve played it safe for too long or allowed the opinions of others to influence you too much? This Full Moon might inspire a transformation in that part of your life because it’s become too uncomfortable to ignore.

Here’s what the Full Moon in Aries means for each of the 12 houses, highlighting where this surge of energy might show up in your life based on where Aries falls in your natal chart:

1st House (Self-Identity & Personal Power):

This Full Moon is all about you—your identity, how you present yourself, and how you take action in the world. It’s a time to assert yourself, stand confidently in your personal power, and take ownership of your path. Release any limiting beliefs about who you are or how you should be.


2nd House (Money, Values & Self-Worth):

You may feel a shift around finances or your sense of security. It’s a time to assess what you truly value and if your resources are supporting your highest self. Let go of outdated beliefs about money and worth, and take bold steps toward financial independence.


3rd House (Communication, Learning & Local Community):

This Full Moon lights up your mental space. You may feel an urge to speak your truth, share your ideas, or resolve a lingering issue with a sibling or neighbor. It’s time to trust your voice and communicate from a place of authenticity. Be mindful of impulsive words.


4th House (Home, Family & Emotional Foundations):

Matters related to home, family, or your emotional foundation come into focus. You might be called to address conflicts within your household or take action to create a living space that feels more aligned. Release emotional baggage from the past and take charge of your inner world.


5th House (Creativity, Romance & Self-Expression):

Your creative energy is ignited under this Full Moon. It’s a perfect time to pour passion into a project or dive into romance. Let your authentic self shine, and don’t be afraid to take risks in expressing yourself fully. Release any fears of rejection and embrace joy.


6th House (Work, Health & Daily Routines):

This Full Moon highlights your daily habits, routines, and work life. You may feel a strong push to change something that’s no longer serving you, especially related to health or productivity. Take the lead in creating systems that align with your wellness and work goals.


7th House (Relationships, Partnerships & Balance):

Relationships are front and center. You might reach a turning point in a partnership—romantic or business-related. It’s time to assess if this relationship is supporting your independence and growth. Be honest about what you need, and release any codependency or imbalance.


8th House (Transformation, Power & Shared Resources):

This is a deeply transformative Full Moon for you. Themes around shared resources, intimacy, or power dynamics may surface. It’s time to reclaim your power and let go of any attachments to what’s holding you back. This is a moment of deep emotional release and rebirth.


9th House (Higher Learning, Travel & Spirituality):

You may feel called to expand your horizons, whether through travel, study, or a new spiritual pursuit. This Full Moon invites you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new beliefs or philosophies. Release limiting beliefs and embrace a more open-minded approach to life.


10th House (Career, Reputation & Ambitions):

Career and public life are in the spotlight. You may experience a shift in your professional goals or be called to take bold action in your career. It’s time to step up as a leader, but make sure your actions align with your long-term vision. Let go of any fears around success or visibility.


11th House (Friendships, Community & Aspirations):

This Full Moon may bring clarity around your friendships or community involvement. Are your social connections supporting your individuality and growth? It’s a good time to release toxic group dynamics or align more closely with people who share your vision for the future.


12th House (Subconscious, Healing & Spirituality):

The focus is on your inner world, healing, and spiritual growth. You might feel a need to retreat, rest, or confront hidden fears. This is a powerful time for letting go of self-sabotaging patterns and connecting deeply with your intuition. Surrender to the healing process.


And with that I am going go wrap this up.

Happy Aries Full Moon, and happy Libra season. 


Stay tuned, Scorpio season is coming up next…

 From my heart to yours,


The Transformative Energy of Scorpio Season


Falling For Libra Season