Wolf Full Moon

FULL WOLF MOON | 1.25.24 | 5° LEO | 9:54AM PST

The Wolf Moon: Self-Expression and Growth

Greetings from Minnesota,

The first full moon of the year is upon us, setting the stage for self-expression in the months ahead. This lunar event is known as the Wolf Moon, named after the wolves that howl during the chilly winter nights. As a self-proclaimed wolf enthusiast, I couldn't be more excited! There's something about these majestic creatures that truly speaks to me on a spiritual level. While full moons can often bring about drama and intense emotions, the Wolf Moon of January 2024 is all about letting go of repressed fears and insecurities to unleash your creative full potential. So, let's heed the call of the wild and embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation.

Honoring Yourself with the Full Moon

The full moon is a time of both celebration and self-reflection. Take a moment to appreciate your accomplishments and consider what needs attention in your life to enact positive change. This full moon is all about love – specifically, loving yourself for who you are and embracing your creativity. Remember, we are only here for a short while, so pursue joy in your life, even in the simplest of pleasures. Take the time to recognize what makes you shine and embrace that part of yourself, even if it feels scary. It's easy to get caught up in seeking validation from others, but this moon wants to remind you that self-love is the most important kind. You are worthy of love and adoration, and that begins with loving yourself. So, let yourself be heard and stand tall in your truth. Howl with the highest vibration of love and without fear, for this moment shall not come again.

To see what the Wolf Moon has in store for you, check your astrological chart for the house containing 5° of Leo. This will reveal the specific area of your life that is calling for you.

1st House: Surge of self-expression and confidence. It's a time to embrace your achievements and seek recognition for your hard work. Take advantage of this period to explore new creative avenues and let your true self shine through. Don't be afraid to be bold and authentic – you've got this!


2nd House: Emphasis on personal finances, material possessions, and self-esteem. Inclination to indulge in pleasures and reap the rewards of your hard work. Take this opportunity to evaluate your financial goals and ensure they align with your values and resources. The key message is to strike a balance between expressing yourself and making responsible financial decisions.


3rd House: Communication, learning, and local connections take center stage. Use creative expression through writing, speaking, or any other means of communication to put your thoughts out there. It's a great time to share your ideas, engage in intellectual pursuits, and strengthen connections with siblings or neighbors. Embrace your creativity and let your voice be heard!


4th House: The theme is home, family & emotional foundations. Notice a strong desire for warmth and connection within your family. Nurture your personal space, seek comfort in your home, and express feelings openly with loved ones. Reflect on your emotional well being and consider how you can create a harmonious domestic environment. 


5th House: Accentuating creativity, romance, and self expression. You are encouraged to embrace your passions, engage in artistic pursuits and find your joy. This could also spark a heightened desire for romantic connections and playful self expression. It’s time to celebrate your individuality, explore your creative side and express your emotions freely. 


6th House: Focus is on your work, health, and daily routines. You may feel a burst of enthusiasm to shine in your professional endeavors. Use this moon to focus on self improvement, both in terms of health and work habits. Take pride in your accomplishments and consider how you can bring more joy and creativity into your daily tasks. Balancing self expression with practical responsibilities. 


7th House: Spotlight on your partnerships, relationships and collaborations. Notice heightened emotions in your close relationships and a desire for mutual admiration and recognition. Where can you strengthen your bonds, express yourself more openly and celebrate the unique qualities of your partnerships? 


8th House: A check in on your emotional investments and brining to the surface any underlying issues so they can be transformed into medicine. This moon can prompt passionate and transformative experiences in areas of shared resources and intimate relationships. Embrace the personal growth you have attained through your profound connections. 


9th House: Where have you been holding back and playing small because of some outdated beliefs or criticism? This is a call to embrace your adventurous spirit and seek experiences that expand your horizons whether through travel, education, or philosophical pursuits. Express your ideas boldly and consider how you can infuse creativity in your quest for personal and intellectual growth.


10th House: Take a moment and reflect on your career, public image and ambitions. It's time to showcase your talents and take pride in your professional achievements. The sun is shining on your leadership qualities which will lead to recognition for your creative contributions. Your career is your personal expression, so consider how your image reflects your authentic self. Time to display creative prowess in your pubic sphere. 


11th House: Casting call for social connections, friendships, and aspirations. Express your individuality within group dynamics to celebrate your unique qualities among friends. Consider aligning your social activities with your creative interests as what you bring intuitively will enhance the group dynamics. Inspire your social circles with a touch of creativity and flair.


12th House: Take time to honor yourself through self discovery and introspection. Get creative and spend some time exploring your inner world. Reflecting on dreams, intuition, and hidden talents can bring hidden aspects and messages calling to you, to the surface. Cater to your imaginative energies and witness how creative self expression can serve as a form of catharsis. 


Happy Full Wolf Moon!


Aquarius New Moon


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