New Moon in Scorpio

11/13/23 20° Scorpio 1:27am PST

As my birthday approaches, I can hardly contain my excitement. The end of the year is coming fast, and there is still so much to do! With so many things happening with Ashley Bella Astrology, it's hard to believe that the year is almost over. This month has flown by, and I am thrilled to share some updates with you:

  • I had some amazing guest speakers on the Bellastrology Podcast

  • I was invited as a guest speaker on two other wonderful podcasts

  • I just completed a mini photoshoot for new promos

  • I am putting the finishing touches on my first digital course!

I can't wait to share more details about the digital course with you! To prepare for its launch, I made some major upgrades to my website and offerings. Be sure to check it out! As I mentioned in my October eclipse podcast, this eclipse season was about igniting my career and I can feel the momentum! I am grateful for your support as we approach the end of the year! In addition, I am now accepting bookings for the holiday season, so if you're looking to schedule a 2024 reading or purchase a gift certificate, head over to You can book and purchase directly from my site now. So if you are thinking about gifting a soulful experience this year, or want to know what 2024 has in store for you - head over to the site!

Scorpio Season: Embracing the Momentum & New Moon Energy

As a Scorpio, this is a favorite time of year. However, with the momentum picking up, it can also feel a bit overwhelming. That's where the Scorpio new moon comes in, providing us with the focus we need to finish strong in 2023. Personally, I'm excited to blaze through the remainder of the year and into 2024. But first, let's take advantage of the energy from the new moon in Scorpio.

The Scorpio sign is known for its immense power, and the first new moon following the full moon solar eclipse makes it even more impactful. This new moon in Scorpio is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, either in a new project or by turning over a new leaf. It's time to manifest your goals and aspirations. This new moon also presents some important questions to consider: Where do you need more control? Where do you need to step into your power? What are you hiding that needs to be released? Take some time to reflect on these inquiries and use the energy of the Scorpio new moon to your advantage. 

In astrology, Scorpio represents intensity. With the arrival of a new moon, the spotlight shifts to matters of intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing. This will be particularly emphasized in the days leading up to Monday. This presents a unique opportunity for new beginnings or fresh starts in these areas. So, what would you like to initiate this month?

Scorpio is also associated with focus, encompassing staying power and personal strength. Scorpio embodies the "P" words: passion, power, probing, perception, penetration, and purging – diving deep beyond the surface.

This is the time for TRANSFORMATION. Where in your life are you ready to transform? 20° of Scorpio may be a clue!

Exploring Our Hidden Desires with the Scorpio Moon
The Scorpio moon urges us to confront our deepest desires. What is simmering beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed or released? When the sun and moon align in the sky, Scorpio emerges from the shadows, the depths, and the unknown. Under the dark, tranquil sky, you have permission to:

  • Stay in and take it easy

  • Surrender to solitude

  • Focus on self-care and personal needs

  • Strengthen your intuition and dreams

  • Concentrate on healing

  • Enhance your intimate relationships

This is the perfect moon for sultry practices, such as slow dancing, free writing, and drawing out emotions. Give life to your deepest thoughts and feelings.

Insights to Consider During the Psychic Scorpio Season: Uranus & Mars Influence
As the Scorpio season approaches, be mindful of the emotions and insights you encounter, as they may come at you fast like flashes of electricity. With the sky currently low in air and fire, it's a time to focus on feelings before planning your next steps. The energies of Uranus and Mars will play a significant role in answering the question of what you should do next, but be aware of their possible unexpected revelations, impulses, and even aggression.

Here are some tips to help you navigate this time:

  • Be cautious of throwing everything away, and instead focus on liberating yourself from anything that you have not let go of from the recent eclipse season.

  • Watch out for impatience or irritation, and practice patience. Timing is everything, so trust in that.

  • With little fire in the sky, take the time to journal and reflect on your emotions before taking conscious action.

  • If you're struggling to take the first step or muster up the courage to speak out, Mars may help you assert your independence and chase your desires more aggressively and selfishly. Remember that the North Node is in Aries, encouraging a little selfishness in going after what you want, while still considering others.

With Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio, you have the drive, energy, and initiative to pursue your professional aspirations. This aspect provides you with the courage, assertiveness and passion to tackle challenges and fulfill your desires. You'll find yourself more eager and enthusiastic about the things that you're truly passionate about. This combination of courage, strength, and focus will enable you to overcome obstacles and accomplish your goals with ease.

If you have 20° Scorpio in:

1st House: Here's how to focus your attention on your inner power: Take the time to reflect on where you might be limiting yourself. Trust in your abilities and listen to your inner fire. Remember, you are the artist of your life.


2nd House: This House centers on self-worth, prompting you to examine where you might be giving away your power. Practicing mindfulness with your spending could be beneficial. If you've prioritized this area, it's possible that your effort might pay off through dividends.


3rd House: A Focus on Communication. It is vital to clear your throat chakra and speak your truth. It's important to draw clear boundaries with siblings or chosen family. Make sure they are firm and well-defined.


4th House: Emphasize your private space and honor close family relationships. Embody your dream home and family, focus on the ways you can feel emotionally fulfilled and safe in this world.


5th House: Embrace your powerful presence and overcome insecurities by taking center stage. Time to confidently show off your skills and own the spotlight.


6th House: Transform your daily routines by making them more meaningful and turning them into rituals. Infuse intimacy and joy into your routines, and reflect on the practices that don't bring you happiness – don't be afraid to let them go!


7th House: Have you ever considered what role you play in your relationship? If things aren't going as planned, have you asked for what you truly want? Never underestimate the power of your connections. It's important to acknowledge and celebrate them.


8th House: Your true passion is calling out to you and cannot be ignored any longer. Although the transformation may be intimidating, there is much to gain from embracing it. In addition to the personal and emotional benefits, there may also be financial rewards, such as partnerships or collaborations that pay off.


9th House: If you're still limiting your aspirations, it's time to break free from those constraints. The universe is full of opportunities, and all you need to do is step outside of your comfort zone. Keep searching, and you will certainly find what you're looking for!


10th House: It's time to shine! All of your hard work has brought you to this point in your career. Concentrate and pursue your goals with determination. Go after what you want and make it happen!


11th House: The Importance of your inner circle-surrounding yourself with the right people is crucial to your success. It's okay if not everyone is meant to share your space – find your tribe. Connecting with your spiritual "running buddies" can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.


12th House: Power is a place of deep intuition and spiritual awakening. If you can tune into this frequency, you'll find yourself empowered and greatly rewarded. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and the universe will respond in kind, opening up new possibilities you never thought possible.


May this new moon bring you renewed energy and inspiration to embrace your full potential and become the best version of yourself. You've been nurturing and growing this inner strength for some time now, and the moment has finally arrived to unleash it!



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