Aquarius New Moon


Are you willing to embrace the potential for something even better?

Remain open to the idea that outcomes may differ from your expectations 

-New Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is 
The Authentic Innovator: visionary,  progressive, problem solver, connector, futurist

The energy of this New Moon can bring about an internal uprising and a drive to innovate. Both luminaries together in the sky ignites excitement about venturing beyond comfort zones and making significant changes.


This energy hints at an impending shift, urging us to move and evolve, does this resonate with similar feelings you have been experiencing?

During the new moon, it is a prime time to sow the seeds for your desires to manifest. Pull in closer your hopes, wishes & dreams for your future. The current cosmic energy encourages exploring fresh ideas, envisioning a new self, and recognizing that past strategies may no longer serve your future aspirations. Growth and evolution necessitate shedding old ways and embracing a transformed self. The new moon signifies an opportunity for significant change.

By embracing the Aquarian influence, you can adopt a fresh outlook, welcome change, and pave the way for a more genuine and satisfying future. Be open to the transformative energy of this new moon, which might bring sudden insights and innovative solutions. Reflect on areas where you feel restricted and consider how embracing freedom could benefit you. 

Remain open to the idea that outcomes may differ from your expectations. Are you willing to embrace the potential for something even better?

Aquarius Themes:  

  • Trust the vision

  • Innovate

  • Hopes & dreams

  • The future

  • My community

  • Expect the unexpected

Take this time to assess your relationships, ensuring they align authentically with your true self or need adjustment. Under the Aquarius energy, any constraints or limitations in relationships/situations/thinking may come to a head. You may discover dynamics that no longer resonate with your authentic self. The new moon can bring up what may be holding you back, provided you allow yourself the space to acknowledge it.


If you're like me, and you have been tuning into the vibration of change brought to us by the season of Aquarius, you no doubt have been feeling the push to evolve, improve, innovate. I notice a strong yearning for connection and community emerging, emphasizing the importance of expanding social circles and fostering meaningful relationships.

Under this moon I commit to a new perspective, to looking at things different, because where I am going is going to require me to do things differently and shed the parts of me that are not coming with me as I evolve into my higher self.

The house of your chart that contains 20° degrees of Aquarius is where you will feel the invitation of this new moon the most deeply.

Bring these perspectives to the Aquarius ruled area of your chart

  • To combat stagnation, I adopt a new outlook.

  • Evolution and growth push me to step away from my familiar routines.

  • I welcome a fresh perspective, enabling me to detach from personal issues and adopt an objective view.

  • Liberation & Freedom. What constraints or limitations do I see in my relationships/situations/thinking that are holding me back?

House of 20° Aquarius in Your Chart:

  • 1st: Body, self-image, personal identity

  • 2nd: Finances, stability, self-worth

  • 3rd: Communication, ideas, sharing

  • 4th: Family, home, unconscious, roots

  • 5th: Creativity, play, self-expression

  • 6th: Health, service, routines

  • 7th: Relationships, balance, boundaries

  • 8th: Intimacy, privacy, shadow work

  • 9th: Big ideas, travel, expansion

  • 10th: Career, reputation, work ethic

  • 11th: Friends, technology, community

  • 12th: Spirit, mysticism, subconscious


Aquarius Season Gifts


Wolf Full Moon