Sagittarius Full Moon

Today is a Full Moon in Sagittarius.


Sagittarius is the sign of the zodiac that is about truth, optimism and adventure - welcoming what’s on the horizon with open arms.


To be honest, Sagittarius doesn’t have time for what happened in the past, that which is not worth carrying. There is much adventure to be had, and that is too heavy a load to carry on this journey.


This Full Moon is aiming for the horizon on a quest for freedom, knowledge and experiencing the wild and expansive flavors life has to offer.


8:42 PDT tonight at 13° the Sagittarius the Moon will be full.


To find what this new moon is illuminating specifically for you, in your chart, find the house where you have 13° of Sagittarius. This is the area of life that’s calling for your attention and being highlighted right now. Look at this area of life and ask yourself are you living your truth? What in this area is holding you back or keeping you small? What have you outgrown? How do you play bigger in this area? Are you being honest with yourself?


And no negativity or judgment, just be honest, how can you get more freedom to embody what you want to be, through this area of your life? Take a breath and realize maybe you’ve gotten too serious and you need to loosen the reins a little bit and have some fun on this journey that you’re on. Maybe your head has been down and so focused on the minute details that you need to lift your eyes up, see the horizon and what’s around you and let that reignite the sense of adventure you have for that passion & excitement around what you’re building. This moon is full of fire energy and is here to support you as long as you’re truly being honest with yourself. Use your voice, blunt honesty is one of the bold characteristics of Sagittarius and for some this can be uncomfortable, myself included. But the liberation in the freedom that comes with living in your truth is all the weight you need lifted off your shoulder at this time.


Follow your true north and find the house where 13° of Sagittarius is in your chart!


1st house: Self, self image, physical body, self empowerment


2nd House: Values, money, wealth, possessions, security, safety, sufficiency


3rd House: Communication, siblings, day to day environment, short distance travel, the mind, connective technology


4th House: Home, family, mother, emotional security, traditions, heritage, childhood


5th House: Creativity, self expression, children, play, romance, entertainment, pleasure


6th House: Service, routines, health, animals, daily work, employment


7th House: Personal relationships, marriage, partnerships, negotiations


8th House: Sex, deep healing, joint resources, death, taxes, transformation, intimacy


9th House: Philosophy, world travel, higher learning, beliefs, exploring, religion


10th House: Career, public life, reputation, father, recognition, accomplishments, social status


11th House: Community, friends, humanitarianism, freedom, collective, hopes, wishes, dreams


12th House: Spirituality, things hidden, meeting the soul, inner work, subconscious, universe connection


From my heart to yours,





New Moon in Scorpio


Jupiter in Taurus