Jupiter in Taurus

May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024

Today, Jupiter has entered Taurus, where it will remain for the next year.

Jupiter rules over expansion, growth, and abundance, while Taurus is associated with stability and material comforts.

Jupiter in Taurus brings focus on material abundance, stability, and growth. This alignment can indicate a time of financial prosperity as well as a desire for comfort and luxury. This placement gifts a more practical approach to life and brings a strong appreciation for the arts, beauty, and nature.

Jupiter is the benefic planet of optimism, joy, abundance, expansion and good fortune. It is also associated with higher learning, philosophy, and spirituality.

Taurus is the sign of the earth goddess, the ruler of money, our ideals, and the material world. Taurus is ruled by Venus and associated with being grounded, material comforts, and sensuality. This sign is practical, loves details, moves at a slow/steady pace, and values stability & security above all else. 

So what else does this bring?

Appreciation. Appreciating the comforts that surround us in our homes and daily lives. The desire for the finer things and the quality which they represent, but recognizing the hard work that went into creating those luxuries.

Indulgence. Material possessions and luxury. Delicious foods, fine wines, expensive experiences. The influx of dopamine and pleasure from Jupiter in Taurus can be a time of over indulgence.

Presence. This is a time of magnifying presence. Being in the moment. Breathing in the beauty that surrounds us. Leaning into what makes us feel safe, and planting roots in ways that provide us with the lifestyle that supports our dreams. Jupiter and Taurus asks us to slow down to smell the roses. To be present to honor the process that bring order to our lives and to work on building a strong foundation for our dreams. To honor that which we can take in through our five senses. This is where sensuality flourishes.

Pleasure. This time is supporting you to find pleasure in the simplest of things, finding pleasure in the mundane. Can you find the pleasure in your day-to-day life? Can you slow down enough to truly take in the magic and wonder that’s around you? Give yourself the permission to indulge in life’s simple pleasures.

As a collective, we have all have access to this abundant energy. But, for each of us it is showing up in a different area of our lives. The house where Taurus is rooted in your birth chart is where Jupiter is bringing its expensive and joyful energy. This area of life you can expect to be highlighted and blessed by Jupiter in Taurus.

For me, I have Taurus in both my fourth and fifth houses. The fourth house is the house of family, home & my inner self. The fifth house is the house of self expression, romance, being seen, creativity, & the area of life where I enter the stage and seek an audience. Jupiter will activate my North Node while it is here as well. The North Node is your soul’s purpose and represents your key to enlightenment this lifetime, and I could not be more excited! I get to slow down and really take in the moments with my family. I’m reminded to slow down and honor what’s truly important and in the beauty that surrounds me. The peacefulness of where I live, the nature that surrounds me, the lake that I look at every day, the woods that I walk in, and the animals that surround me, where my true heart and soul lie. My self expression, creativity and what my destiny is pointing at this lifetime is being blessed by Jupiter.

What house(s) does Taurus reside in your chart?

Taurus Through The Houses

Taurus in the 1st House: Your physical body. Take time for self care. Your body is the vessel to actualize your dreams.

Taurus in the 2nd House: Get clear on your finances. An organized foundation supports the wealth you seek. Manifestation at its best.

Taurus in the 3rd House: Your communications and the connections you make are your art form. The written word and technology supports your mission.

Taurus in the 4th House: Your home life and family. Physical home and the home of your inner self is where you thrive.

Taurus in the 5th: Your self expression and the creativity of your inner child unlock the magic that is you.

Taurus in the 6th: Success is formed through your daily habits and routines.

Taurus in the 7th: Long lasting companionships and love are your light in this world.

Taurus in the 8th: Allowing intimacy and pleasure to drive transformation in your life.

Taurus in the 9th: Learning something new and experiencing new places feeds your soul.

Taurus in the 10th: Solid in your career. Build the foundation to take the next step to your business dreams.

Taurus in the 11th: Find your people, find your fortune. Feed your authenticity and find freedom.

Taurus in the 12th: Your dream world personified. You are the creator of your dreams in this reality!

Not sure how to find where Jupiter in Taurus is in your chart Click the link below for my free Astrology Sun, Moon, Rising guide where I show you how to pull you own chart.

Astrology Sun, Moon, Rising Guide

Want to learn more? Book a reading with me here!

From my heart to yours,



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