Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

We have a full moon and Lunar Eclipse on Friday, May 5 at 1:34 PM Eastern time. A full moon in Scorpio, you can already feel the intensity behind this full moon. Full moons are intense already, but given the cosmic calendar of events that are happening around this full moon, (Lunar Eclipse, opposite Uranus, Mercury Retrograde) the energy that is building up to Friday is powerful. Themes for Scorpio revolve around death, rebirth, & transformation.


Does that make you uncomfortable? Good. It's time to move.


There is a deep psychological frequency radiating from this full moon. Where are you holding onto things that are no longer, or that you can’t bring with you as you step into this new phase of your life. What have you outgrown?


What do you need to shed like the snakes sheds its skin, in order to emerge in your new, bright, shiny self?


This lunar eclipse is happening over the South Node, which represents our comfort zones, where we default to, our past lives, the baggage we carry, what we know, and what we’re moving away from this lifetime.


Some things need to be removed, and that's why Uranus is involved, for the sake of radical change. Change is going to happen.


What is keeping you in the past, and how do you detach from it?


The area of life that is being illuminated for you is found in the house where you have 15 degrees of Scorpio.


Themes around a Scorpio full moon can bring up jealousy, manipulation, and control, because the ask is for you to let go of all that.


Moon in Scorpio is deep, it is shadow work, it is healing, all themes that can come up during this full moon, but a reminder to not forget to celebrate under the light of this radiant luminary. Release is beautiful. Intimacy is beautiful. Sex is beautiful. What drives you, your desires deserves to be celebrated. Pay attention to what bubbles up to the surface this week. What inner healing is calling from Mercury Retrograde that is still bringing up things from the past that which the intensity of Scorpio is asking us to heal from so that we can transform, be reborn, and thrive into the highest versions of ourselves?


On Friday night when you find yourself underneath the stars and the radiant glow of the full moon,  take a breath and acknowledge the transformation that you have already gone through and celebrate what you’ve already accomplished. Yes, there is more work to be done, but don’t forget to celebrate your passions, the intensity, and that which you do with what you love, & the focus that you’ve demonstrated to get you where you are. These are all things that deserve to be celebrated. Celebrate who you no longer are, and who you’re leaving in the past. Take a look around at where you are how far you’ve come, and the transformation that you’ve already demonstrated that deserves to be celebrated.

Happy Full Moon





Jupiter in Taurus