Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse

You know what is WILD? April is the most significant month astrologically of the entire year! Fresh off the spring equinox it was quickly followed by Mercury going retrograde, and up next we have a new moon in Aries that is a total solar eclipse! In this article I want to delve into the dynamic energy of the upcoming new moon solar eclipse in Aries, unlocking the mystery and significance of eclipses, and exploring how this particular event might affect you!

What is going on?

 Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024, at 11:17 AM PDT, at 19° Aries

The new moon is in bold and fearless Aries and if that's not groundbreaking and empowering enough, it is also a total solar eclipse, an awe-inspiring phenomenon that will darken the daytime sky in certain regions of the world.  Here in the US, it is another what is named the Great North American eclipse - a return from the last total solar eclipse that we experienced back in August of 2017 as it stretched across North America. We will experience the "lights out effect" of this impactful lunar event, so what does it mean?

Who will be affected astrologically?

First of all, we all will feel the effects of this eclipse, but some more than others - as I will explain the significance of eclipse in a minute . But for my Cardinal signs, Aries,  Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn as well as if you have any personal planets in the sign of Aries, pay extra close attention. And if you want to get extra specific, those with personal planets around 19° degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feeling this one most significantly. The effects can be felt for up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse.

Happening in the sign of Aries, this eclipse puts matters related to personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion in strong focus. It’s about new beginnings regarding any of these issues, setting the stage for long-term changes that are in the works!

So what are they?

Eclipses are agents of change, arriving four to six times each year, evoking unexpected changes and turning points in our lives. If you’ve been on the fence or experiencing indecision, an eclipse may force you to act—ready or not. Unanticipated events arise that demand a radical change of direction.

An eclipse occurs when the moon or earth moves into the shadow of another.

On April 8th, we are experiencing a solar eclipse = Solar eclipses occur at new moons. These take place when the new moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, temporarily blocking out the light of the Sun. Think of it as a "spiritual power outage"—and it feels weird, it looks eerie outside! You either feel wildly off center when the sun is being blocked out…or your mind becomes crystal clear in the darkness.


The Sun represents our ego, our life force, our vitality - and the Moon is our emotional body - so, when eclipse happen, our sense of self gets darkened - where our emotions can get heightened. In life, the Universe, everything, is seeking balance, and with an eclipse the balance is off temporality so to speak, in effort to recalibrate, or restart. All of us, wherever we are at on our journey, during eclipse time - it's time to get back on track. That’s why for some its more potent than others.

In astrology, when an Aries solar eclipse occurs, it signifies a bold new beginning that leads us down uncharted paths. Despite its unexpected nature, a solar eclipse holds a grander vision for us, encouraging us to broaden our perspectives if we've been too focused. As humans, we often get fixated on what's immediately in front of us, limiting our view and hindering us from seizing opportunities.

During solar eclipses, the familiar may fade away, nudging us to explore new avenues. Though unsettling, eclipses can be viewed as hidden blessings. They spark significant personal growth, urging us to welcome fresh and often improved possibilities, even if they push us beyond our comfort zones.

There is another type of Eclipse!

Lunar eclipses occur during full moons. The recent Libra lunar eclipse took place on March 25th, 2024. During this event, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, disrupting their connection, symbolizing a separation of our ego from our emotions, resulting in a crimson shadow on the full Moon. Changes may occur suddenly or come to an abrupt stop. It's a time to confront intense emotions that surface during the eclipse. This phase is known as the "shadow self" by Carl Jung. The revelations during lunar eclipses may be challenging or surprising, offering a chance to accept our entirety and identify areas for personal growth.

In short - solar eclipse are about beginnings, lunar eclipse are about endings

Now we need to discuss the Lunar nodes—the “destiny points” in astrology— which are tied to the eclipses

Eclipses in astrology align or intersect with the lunar nodes. Every individual has their own lunar nodes. In your birth chart, the North Node is typically represented by a horseshoe-like symbol, while the South Node is positioned directly opposite, 180° away from the North Node (often not displayed on the chart). Together, they symbolize the life paths chosen by our souls. These nodes are not planets but points where the orbits of the sun and moon intersect, indicating our past and future directions. The South Node represents our comfort zone and expertise from previous lives, while the North Node signifies the area our souls have chosen for growth in this lifetime – where we can acquire new knowledge and experiences to fulfill our goals. However, moving towards the North Node can be challenging as it requires stepping out of our familiar zones and evolving. Often, if we find ourselves trapped in repetitive cycles, it is usually because we are hesitant to progress from our South Node towards the North Node. 


The lunar nodes are determined by the points where the moon’s orbit crosses the “ecliptic”—the apparent path the Sun makes around the earth.  When a new or full Moon aligns near the lunar nodes, it triggers eclipses, activating both the current collective lunar nodes (which are the current eclipse Aries/Libra axis) and our individual lunar nodes that are determined in our birth charts.

So from a mystical/spiritual perspective, eclipses are tied to our past lives, karmic paths and soul missions!

Eclipses tend to:

• reveal hidden information that’s “hiding” in the shadows

• mark a turning point

• speed along developments

• bring swift and sudden opportunities

• trigger unexpected results

So what eclipse cycle are we in now?

Since the Aries new moon eclipse on April 20, 2023, we have been in a cycle of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis. These are the zodiac signs that rule war and peace. Aries is ruled by combative and action oriented Mars, Libra by the harmonious and peaceful Venus. They’ve arrived to help us work through that balance, Aries is the self, and Libra is the other.

You may have heard referenced to as eclipse season, and when we are in between eclipse - it’s called an eclipse portal, or eclipse corridor and so in 2024 we have 2 portals, the first in the spring between March 25th and the April 8th,  and then again the fall we will have another portal September 17th, 2024 through October 2nd.

What is it about this eclipse?

In the sign of Aries, this eclipse puts matters related to personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion in strong focus. It’s about new beginnings regarding any of these issues. What also makes this potent, and have a unique flavor to  it,  the moon, Sun and Chiron, Venus and Mercury are all lining up in Aries, the sign of the warrior and brave leader at the same time! The April 2024 total solar eclipse on April 8th can set you on a new path that you hadn’t imagined for yourself!

This is going to be highlight and challenge our issues surrounding independence and personal courage. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us, this is an empowering new moon!

This is where life's circumstances are going push us to recognize areas where we have not stayed true to our genuine and authentic selves. Now is a point of realization that embracing change and accepting endings are vital for personal development, and we have the capacity to manage these transitions and trigger our biggest transformations.

Aries New Moons are generally good for taking action – trying something new and innovative, and going at it with gusto and confidence;. It’s a time to be assertive, take charge of our lives, start a brand new project, and discover our own personal power. Now is an impactful moment to reassess our self-connections. Aries thrives on experience and action, authenticity, encouraging us to indulge in a bit of adventure.

But wait, theres more!

There are 2 really important things I want to mention with this eclipse that need to be factored it-

Mercury Retrograde April 1st - 25th

  • During the alignment of the New Moon with retrograde Mercury, our path may seem unclear. Despite this, our discomfort with the past can serve as a powerful motivator for new beginnings. With Mercury in retrograde, the eclipse's effects may be slightly delayed, so we might not feel its full impact for a few weeks. It's crucial to proceed cautiously in the following weeks, as unexpected consequences may arise. Be prepared for miscommunications, travel disruptions, and technological glitches. Remember to back up data and carefully consider the tone of your messages before sending them to prevent any communication issues.


Chiron Conjunction

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," aligns with the total solar eclipse, creating an opportunity for us to let go of the past. By tapping into our inner wisdom and seeking advice from others, we can gain insight into what we want to cultivate in our lives by nurturing our hearts and well-being. Amidst the darkness of the solar eclipse, we can discover our inner light and progress towards manifesting our aspirations. This process will help you identify what to leave behind as you step into this new chapter and embrace the updated version of yourself. Embracing change and releasing the past are crucial steps in evolving into this next chapter.

What it feels like

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent surge of energy and transformation. We might experience a strong urge to act on impulse. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others’ feelings and reactions.

Here's what it might feel like:

New Beginnings: Solar eclipses symbolize powerful new beginnings, and in Aries, the energy is dynamic and assertive. It's a time for planting seeds of intention and initiating bold new ventures.

Personal Empowerment: Aries energy ignites a sense of self-confidence, independence, and assertiveness. You may feel empowered to take charge of your life and pursue your goals with courage and determination.

Release of the Old: Eclipses often bring about endings or closure to make way for fresh starts. This is a time to let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good, whether it's outdated beliefs, habits, or relationships.

Emotional Intensity: Solar eclipses can stir up intense emotions, especially when it comes to asserting your identity and desires. Be mindful of impulsive actions or reactions, and channel your passions constructively.

Spiritual Awakening: Eclipses are powerful portals for spiritual growth and awakening. Pay attention to any insights or intuitive nudges that arise during this time, as they may guide you on your path of self-discovery.

Collective Shift: Solar eclipses have a collective impact, influencing global events and societal changes. Look for themes of leadership, innovation, and individuality emerging on a larger scale.

How to really dive into the meaning for you

Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Aries in our charts are likely to occur over the upcoming months.

It may bring a potent energy of new beginnings and transformation, particularly for those with Aries placements in their birth charts. It could feel like a powerful surge of energy, urging you to take action, assert yourself, and initiate changes in your life. However, with the eclipse aspect, there might also be a sense of unpredictability or intensity surrounding these changes. It's essential to stay grounded, remain open to new opportunities, and be willing to release anything that no longer serves your highest good. This eclipse can be a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment if approached with intention and mindfulness.


The impact of the New Moon Aries solar eclipse will vary depending on which house of your birth chart it falls in. Find where you have 19° Aries in your chart and identify the theme of that house for this eclipse. Here's a brief overview of how it might affect each house:


First House: This eclipse could bring a significant focus on your identity, self-image, and personal goals. You may feel compelled to take bold new steps or make changes to align more closely with your authentic self.


Second House: Financial matters and self-worth may come into focus. You might be inspired to pursue new income opportunities or reassess your values and priorities related to money and possessions.


Third House: Communication, learning, and short trips could be highlighted. You may feel motivated to express yourself more assertively or pursue new avenues of study or skill development.


Fourth House: Family dynamics, home life, and emotional security may be emphasized. You might feel a desire to make changes within your home environment or address underlying family issues.


Fifth House: Creativity, romance, and self-expression may take center stage. This eclipse could spark new passions or creative projects, as well as potential shifts in your approach to love and relationships.


Sixth House: Health, routines, and service to others could be areas of focus. You may feel motivated to make positive changes to your daily habits or seek new ways to contribute to your community.


Seventh House: Relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one interactions may be highlighted. You might experience shifts in your closest relationships or feel compelled to reevaluate your approach to collaboration and compromise.


Eighth House: This eclipse could bring transformations, intimacy, and shared resources to the forefront. You may be prompted to confront deep-seated fears or make changes in areas related to joint finances, sexuality, or psychological growth.


Ninth House: Travel, higher education, and philosophical beliefs may come into focus. You might feel drawn to explore new cultures, expand your horizons through learning, or reassess your beliefs and values.


Tenth House: Career, ambitions, and public image could be emphasized. This eclipse might prompt you to pursue new professional opportunities, redefine your goals, or take bold steps toward achieving success.


Eleventh House: Friendships, social networks, and long-term goals may be highlighted. You might feel inspired to connect with like-minded individuals, join groups or organizations aligned with your interests, or pursue humanitarian causes.


Twelfth House: This eclipse could bring introspection, spiritual growth, and hidden matters to the surface. You may feel drawn to explore your subconscious mind, release old patterns or baggage, and engage in practices that promote inner peace and healing.


Overall, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries heralds a time of transformation, empowerment, and fresh starts. Embrace the opportunity to align with your true desires and step boldly into the next chapter of your journey.

If you have any questions on how to find out what this eclipse is highlighting for you, or if you would like to dive deeper into understanding your chart, sign up for a birth chart reading with me! 

Also, in my newest episode of The Bellastrology Podcast, I am talking all about this solar eclipse, so join me over on that platform and join the Bellastrology community!

This is an exciting time in the Universe, and I am so thankful to share this love of astrology with you.

As always, from my heart to yours - bye for now


Taurus Season


All About Eclipse