Taurus Season

Today we enter into the rich, earthy realms of Taurus season. Whether you’re a steadfast Taurus yourself or just looking to harness the grounded, luxurious energy of the Bull, this edition is your guide to making the most of this stable and sensual time. We’ll explore how Taurus influences our lives, financial matters, and personal growth. Plus, tips on how to indulge your senses and prioritize well-being without losing your footing. So grab a comfy seat, maybe a snack—because you know Taurus loves a good treat—and let’s get into the steady and soothing vibe of Taurus season!

When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th, there is a noticeable shift in energy from the fiery, dynamic vibe of Aries to a more grounded, stable, and sensual feeling that Taurus brings. This month is about leaning in to a desire for comfort, security, and enjoyment of life's pleasures.

Taurus Season (April 19 - May 19)

  • 2nd sign of the zodiac

  • The symbol is the Bull - the glyph looks like a bull with horns, it’s a circle with horns

  • Body Part: Throat/Neck Ik 

  • Element: Earth

  • Quality: Fixed, which stabilizes and sustains.

  • Ruling Planet: Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and finances.

  • House: Resides over the 2nd house of possessions and wealth

Energy Style: Taurus brings a calmer, more grounded energy compared to the fiery nature of Aries. It focuses on sustainability, routine, and patience.

Focus: The focus shifts to consolidation, stability, and enjoying the sensual pleasures of life. Taurus season is a time for nurturing growth in projects initiated during Aries season, emphasizing endurance and resource management.

Characteristics: Taurus energy is practical, dependable, and resistant to change. It encourages a slower, more deliberate pace and is concerned with practical applications and results. Taurus values luxury and comfort, often leading to indulgence in good food, comfort, and leisure activities.

In Summary: the shift from Aries to Taurus season moves us from a period of high energy and initiation (fire) to one of consolidation and enjoyment of the fruits of one’s labor (earth). Aries pushes us to start new things and blaze new trails, while Taurus encourages us to slow down, establish roots, and fully appreciate and build upon what we have started. This natural progression offers a balance, helping manage the burst of start-up energy Aries provides by grounding it with Taurus's sustaining and stabilizing force.

High and Low Embodiments

 The sign of Taurus, like all zodiac signs, has both high and low embodiments. These characteristics can manifest depending on an individual's awareness, choices, and overall personal development.

High Embodiments of Taurus

1. Stability: Taurus is known for its stable, dependable nature, providing a solid foundation for themselves and others.   

2. Practicality: Highly practical, Taurus individuals excel in finding concrete solutions to problems and are adept at handling material affairs. 

3. Patience: One of Taurus' greatest strengths is their patience, allowing them to see through long-term projects and endeavors to successful completion.

4. Sensuality: Taurus enjoys the sensory experiences of life more than most, appreciating good food, comfortable environments, and physical pleasures, often with refined taste.

5. Reliability: They are known for their loyalty and reliability, making them trusted friends, partners, and colleagues.

6. Perseverance: Their strong determination and ability to persevere through challenging circumstances ensure that they reach their goals.

Low Embodiments of Taurus

 1. Stubbornness: The same quality that grants Taurus its remarkable stability can manifest as stubbornness, making them resistant to change and new ideas.

2. Materialism: An overemphasis on material comfort can lead to materialism, where accumulating possessions or wealth becomes a focal point at the expense of other values.

3. Indulgence: Taurus loves indulging in life’s pleasures, but this can sometimes turn into overindulgence, leading to issues like lethargy or procrastination.

4. Inflexibility: Their practical nature can become a disadvantage when flexibility and adaptability are required, as Taurus might struggle to adjust.

5. Possessiveness: In relationships, the loyalty of Taurus can sometimes turn into possessiveness or jealousy, clinging too tightly to loved ones.

6. Resistance to Change: While their desire for stability is a strength, it can also manifest as a deep-seated resistance to change, even when change is necessary for growth or improvement.

Balancing these traits can help individuals born under Taurus or those with significant Taurus placements in their natal charts make the most of their natural gifts and mitigate challenges.

So if you have your Sun, Moon, Rising, or any personal planets here, or planets in your 2nd house - they are, and this area of your life is being activated!

But even if you don’t have any Taurus placements, you do have Taurus in your chart, so whatever house or houses Taurus is grazing through, you want to pay attention to these areas, and notice how their themes are showing up for you over the next month.

You might find yourself focusing more on consolidating what you've started during Aries season, slowing down to ensure those things are built to last.

Taurus energy encourages and teaches us a methodical approach to projects and how we make decisions, and emphasizing patience and practicality.

Ok how good does this sound, let me tee this up for you…

This is a great time to connect with nature, to indulge in good food, and appreciate art and beauty. Taurus season is about savoring the moment, slowing down,  and enjoying the simpler, finer things in life!

Isn't that just dreamy? My next life I want to be a Taurus! Maybe that’s why I have my NN in Taurus! I want to like that life everyday - that sounds like heaven.

So what do we learn from the Bull and it's teachings? That often living by way of the gentle and sensual bull, leading to an increased sense of contentment and a desire to secure material stability and cultivate vast sense of well-being.

Now with every zodiac season the goal is to recognize the energy of that sign, to lean into it's teachings, and allow for that guidance to support to usher us though that phase of our lives with ease- to flow. We are not fighting against the natural energies and we allow ourselves to flow with the rhythm of the universe. It allows us to be more present, observant,  aware of nature and our surroundings and mindful of the gifts and the teachings that available to all of us.

When the Sun moves into Taurus, making the most of the earthy, stable energy can help you find balance and enhance your well-being in various ways.

So lets talk about some ideas to effectively utilize this Taurus energy!

The first thing we must talk about is:

1. Focus on Financial Planning: Taurus is associated with material security and wealth. Use this time to review your finances, budget effectively, and plan for future investments. It's a good period to set financial goals and work towards them steadily. Because we cant talk about taurus season without talking about our financial wellness and building personal wealth, during Taurus season, a time traditionally associated with abundance, wealth, and material resources due to its earthy, Venus-ruled characteristics, certain astrological indicators in a birth chart can provide insight into potential financial abilities, wealth accumulation, and opportunities for material success. Here are several key aspects to investigate:

  • 1. Second House: Known as the house of possessions and wealth, the planets located here, as well as the sign on the cusp, can indicate how you earn money and accumulate possessions. A well-aspected planet here can suggest ease in generating wealth.

  • 2. Eighth House: This house governs shared resources, inheritance, and investments. Planets here, especially benefic planets like Venus or Jupiter, can indicate wealth through marriage, partnerships, or other forms of joint financial ventures.

  • 3. Tenth House: The house of career and public status, influencing your professional life and main income source. Planets located here, particularly if connected favorably with the second or eighth house, can show career-related wealth.

  • 4. Venus: As the ruler of Taurus, Venus's placement and aspects in a birth chart are crucial for understanding your relationship with money, luxury, and possessions. A well-placed Venus (in Taurus, Libra, or Pisces) and well-aspected can signify an attraction to wealth and a knack for acquiring beautiful things, representing where you can add value, and make money

  • 5. Jupiter: Often associated with luck and expansion, Jupiter's placement can indicate potential for financial growth. Jupiter well-placed or well-aspected to Venus or the second house ruler can enhance financial prospects.

  • 6. Pluto: This is your power planet and is also associated with large sums of money and wealth, particularly through transformative means like inheritances or large-scale business. The aspects it makes and its house placement can be telling of potential for wealth through transformative means like investments and business ventures.

  • 9. Moon: Reflects your instincts and emotional security, including financial security. The Moon in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or well-aspected to Venus or Jupiter might suggest an intuitive knack for managing and accumulating wealth.

  • 10. Part of Fortune: This calculated point can show where you can find joy and success, including financial prosperity. Its house and sign placement, along with its aspects to benefic planets, can be indicate your key to wealth and prosperity.

    Investigating these areas during Taurus season might provide valuable insights into your potential financial strengths and challenges, helping you to capitalize on periods of opportunity or mitigate periods of financial difficulty. 

    If you want some help with this, I would love to help you dive into your money making, financially responsible placements. Sign up for a birth chart reading, just note in the comments you want to focus on finances. You can schedule the best time that works for you right on my website, ashleybellastrology.com

    Or if you want to investigate for yourself, invest in "Embody Your Astrology", my beginner level digital astrology course, you will become equipped with knowledge and resources to cover what ever you want in your chart. You can enroll now at ashleybellastrology.com/courses

 Alright back to Taurus season


 2. Cultivate Patience: Embrace the slow and steady pace of Taurus to complete ongoing projects or to start new endeavors that require a methodical approach. Patience will be your ally in achieving thorough and satisfactory results.

3. Connect with Nature: Taurus is an earth sign, so connecting with the earth can be particularly refreshing and grounding during this time. Activities like gardening, hiking, or simply spending time in natural settings, fresh air, listening to the birds, walking in the woods, can help rejuvenate your spirit.

For me its spring, its starting to get nice out, I have 2 young puppies who love to play outside, I am so looking forward to getting my yoga mat outside and down by the water on the dock for daily workouts and meditations. I am going to bring my sound bowls down to the water more and really embrace and celebrate being outdoors!

Now the next  assignment, is my favorite! Thank you so much Taurus season, I don’t mind if I do- like I needed the permission, but I really do!

4. Indulge Your Senses: Taurus energy heightens the enjoyment of sensory pleasures. Mmmmm secret sauce time. This is a perfect time to cook a lavish meal, visit an art gallery, or indulge in massages and other self-care routines that focus on physical enjoyment.

FINE if I must…

So now that you know what Taurus season is all about, let's make it practical (Taurus loves practical), and talk about what the sun is highlighting specifically for you as it travels through the sign of Taurus. You are going to want to look that house where you have Taurus in your own chart.

Taurus season invites us to focus on stability, pleasure, and practicality. Here's a guide on what to embrace and what to let go of during Taurus season through each of the 12 astrological houses. This guide can help you navigate the Taurus season more effectively by aligning with its stable and resourceful energies while letting go of what might hinder growth in each house's domain.

1. First House (Self, Appearance,, Beginnings): Invest in self-care that makes you feel grounded and secure. It's a good time to update your wardrobe with comfortable yet stylish items that reflect your sense of self-worth.

   - Embrace: Self-care, personal stability, grounding yourself.

   - Let Go: Impulsive self-expression, neglecting physical needs.


2. Second House (Finances, Values): This is the natural house for Taurus, so focus on financial planning and reassessing your investments and budgets. It's also a good time to evaluate what you truly value and make adjustments to ensure your resources are aligned with these.

   - Embrace: Financial planning, valuing possessions, cultivating personal resources.

   - Let Go: Financial negligence, undervaluing your worth.


3. Third House (Communication, Local Community): Improve your everyday interactions. Consider how you communicate with those around you and how you might enhance these relationships through clearer and more thoughtful exchanges

   - Embrace: Clear, practical communication; reconnecting with siblings or neighbors.

   - Let Go: Superficial conversations, scattered thinking.


4. Fourth House (Home, Family): Focus on home improvement projects or redecorating to make your living space more luxurious and comforting. Strengthen your connections with family, perhaps by hosting a family gathering.

   - Embrace: Beautifying your home, strengthening family bonds.

   - Let Go: Domestic instability, clinging to past comforts that no longer serve.


5. Fifth House (Creativity, Romance, Children): Engage in creative hobbies that bring you pleasure. It's also a romantic period, ideal for deepening existing relationships or finding new love. Enjoy activities with children, whether they are yours or those of friends or family.

   - Embrace: Enjoyable creative projects, stable romantic gestures.

   - Let Go: Drama in love affairs, neglecting joy and play.


6. Sixth House (Work, Health Routines): Implement new routines that enhance your physical well-being. This could be a great time to start a new exercise program or diet that feels luxurious and beneficial.

   - Embrace: Steady health routines, practical work solutions.

   - Let Go: Unhealthy habits, disorganization at work.


7. Seventh House (Partnerships, Marriage): Work on business partnerships and personal relationships. It's a good period to address the balance of give-and-take in your closest alliances.

   - Embrace: Loyalty in partnerships, fair dealings.

   - Let Go: Stubbornness in relationships, unbalanced alliances.


8. Eighth House (Transformation, Shared Resources, Intimacy): Delve into your deeper self, exploring themes of intimacy and shared finances. This can be a powerful time for personal transformation.

   - Embrace: Financial partnerships, emotional investments.

   - Let Go: Resisting change, dependency in financial matters.

9. Ninth House (Philosophy, Travel, Higher Education): Expand your horizons by engaging with philosophical ideas, spiritual pursuits, or planning long-distance travels that promise growth and adventure.

   - Embrace: Practical learning approaches, planning long-term travels.

   - Let Go: Rigid beliefs, lack of exploration.


10. Tenth House (Career, Public Image): Focus on career goals and public reputation. It's a favorable time to make practical moves that will build your professional standing or launch new projects.

    - Embrace: Steady career growth, responsibility in professional roles.

    - Let Go: Career stagnation, fearing practical risks.


11. Eleventh House (Friendships, Groups, Aspirations): Strengthen your social network and engage with community or group activities. Consider how your friendships reflect your deeper values and future goals.

    - Embrace: Reliable friendships, setting realistic long-term goals.

    - Let Go: Unrealistic aspirations, unreliable social circles.


12. Twelfth House (Spirituality, Solitude): Embrace solitude and spiritual growth. This house invites introspection and connection to the subconscious. A perfect period for meditation or retreats.

    - Embrace: Quiet reflection, grounding spiritual practices.

    - Let Go: Unresolved inner turmoil, escaping reality through unhealthy means.

A good mantra to embody during Taurus season, which highlights themes of stability, sensuality, and appreciation for the finer things in life, could be:

"I am grounded in the abundance and beauty of the present."

 This mantra encourages you to embrace Taurus's earthy energy, focusing on grounding yourself in the moment, appreciating what you have, and finding beauty and value in the everyday. It's about cultivating a sense of contentment and gratitude, reinforcing Taurus's connection to nature, luxury, and pleasure, all while maintaining a practical and steady approach to life. 

I hope you have enjoyed this Taurus season overview! I am so thankful to share this platform with you and connect with you in this way!

Taurus season, if you cant tell, I am so looking forward to you! I have so many things to share with you all, I cannot wait to get them out into the world! They are very Taurus focused, this is the perfect season to bring them to life. I am ready for this new energy, and I hope you are too.  

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to all my Taurus out there - this is your season! I cant wait to see how you celebrate, indulge, and pamper- Taurus knows how to enjoys themselves, and they deserve it!

If you are interested in finding out what this season has in store for you, as always, I am here for you, sign up for a reading with me on ashleybellastrololgy.com.

To stay connected to all things happening, what's coming up astrologically, newness from me, make sure you are signed up for my newsletter, you can sign up on my website, or follow me on IG, I have a link in my bio for all things, but the newsletter link is there as well - @ashleybellastrology


From my heart to yours, bye for now!


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