All About Eclipse

Eclipse energy holds significant power, and in this blog post, we delve into the energy surrounding these eclipses. Get ready with a pen and paper as we refer to specific dates. Prepare yourself by lighting candles, grabbing some water, and absorbing the messages related to the upcoming eclipse to understand its personal significance for you.


Eclipses symbolize important periods of growth, change, and transformation. In 2024, eclipse season kicks off and unveils a potent eclipse portal from March 25 to April 8, highlighting areas where you might be out of sync with your soul's journey and destiny.


During eclipse season, changes can range from monumental and life-changing to subtle yet deeply impactful. Regardless of their nature, these shifts are all significant. Remember, Eclipses serve as the Universe's method of realigning you with your path.

This year, there are four eclipses 2024 on the horizon.

Eclipse Season Dates for 2024:

  • March 25, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

  • April 8, 2024: Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • September 17, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

  • October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra

Eclipses operate in conjunction with the lunar nodes in astrology. Each individual possesses Lunar nodes, representing the life paths chosen by our souls. These nodes, the North and South nodes, are not planets but points where the Sun and Moon's orbits intersect, signifying our past and future directions. The South node symbolizes our comfort zone and expertise from past lives, while the North Node is the area our souls have selected for growth in this lifetime – where we can learn new lessons and gain fresh experiences to reach our aspirations. However, progressing towards the North Node can be daunting as it demands stepping out of our familiar territories and evolving. Frequently, we find ourselves stuck in repetitive patterns due to our reluctance to move forward. Although our soul recognizes our potential, the question remains – are we prepared to embrace it?

When a new or full moon aligns near the lunar nodes, it triggers eclipses, activating both the current collective lunar nodes and our individual lunar nodes that are determined in our birth charts.

The Importance of Eclipses: A Call to Regain Alignment

Eclipses act as triggers or catalysts that require our focus. They prompt us to contemplate our journey and assess if we are heading in the right direction or if a shift is needed. Are we listening to our inner guidance, or have we become too comfortable in our routine? Eclipses can be intense and disruptive, particularly if we have been ignoring our instincts. They act as a reflection of our authentic selves and the path we have chosen. It's time to confront the uncomfortable truths we have been evading, such as ending a relationship or leaving a job that no longer fulfills us.

Eclipses serve as a means for our souls to connect with us, guiding us on our journey for personal growth. Embracing the uncertainties that arise during this period is crucial, as challenging as it may seem. Trust in the process and the revelations that unfold during this transformative time.


Eclipse and the Zodiac

Eclipses always arrive in pairs, coinciding with new moon and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively. They appear in a family of signs that are joined on the same axis, we call them sister signs. They are 180° apart, they are opposite the zodiac wheel, or 6 months apart

  • Aries / Libra

  • Taurus / Scorpio

  • Gemini /Sagittarius

  • Cancer / Capricorn

  • Leo/ Aquarius

  • Virgo / Pisces

Eclipse season for each pair, coinciding with new moons and full moons, every five and a half months for 18 to 24 months, until they are done. Once a set of signs finishes its cycle, it will not return for approximately seven or eight years.

Types of Eclipse

There are solar eclipse, and there are lunar eclipse. Solar eclipse initiation into new beginning - aligning with the new moon. During lunar eclipses, there is a focus on endings and letting go. Align with the full moon. The full moon sheds light on areas where you may be holding on too tightly, staying within your comfort zone, and resisting growth and expansion.

Difference between Solar and Lunar Eclipses

  • Solar Eclipse: Occurs when the moon comes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the sunlight. This is the classic image of an eclipse, with the moon obscuring the Sun.

  • Lunar Eclipse: Happens when the Earth is between the Sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. This occurs during a full moon when the Earth's shadow covers the moon, making it appear dim. Since the moon reflects sunlight, it seems to vanish during a lunar eclipse.

  • Lunar Eclipse Significance: Represents endings or significant points in time, urging reflection and rejuvenation. It's a time for introspection.

  • Solar Eclipse Significance: Symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts, but can cloud our intuition as the moon, linked to intuition, is hidden. Surrendering to the universe during this period is crucial.

  • Impact of Eclipses: Shed light on unresolved issues and may reveal hidden truths. Solar eclipses signify new opportunities, while lunar eclipses bring emotional closures and nostalgia.

Currently, we are experiencing the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, which began in April 2023 with the Aries New Moon Solar eclipse. This marked the beginning of the Aries/Libra axis, which will continue until January 2025.

  • The Aries North Node urges us to collectively aim for leadership, pioneering spirit, and warrior-like qualities. We are encouraged to be trailblazers, embrace courage, and pursue our desires.

    • The North Node represents an uncomfortable growth edge that leads to destiny and fulfillment.

    • The Aries North Node emphasizes the importance of self-focus and self-care. It teaches us that it's acceptable to prioritize ourselves.

  • The Libra South Node prompts us to shed low vibrations of the sign collectively which emphasizes harmony, relationships, and partnerships. It encourages us to stop waiting for external changes, seeking validation, seeking permission, and sacrificing autonomy for peace.

    • The South Node symbolizes a comfort zone or past mastery that we may revert to for safety.

The South Node in Libra motivates us to let go of outdated relationship beliefs, while the North Node in Aries encourages us to connect with what we truly love, leading with our hearts on a soulful level.

Who Will Feel the Effects of the Eclipse?

  • If your natal chart has planets aligning with the same degree as the eclipse, these placements will be activated and you will feel their influence.

  • Take note of the Mode of the eclipse (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). If your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign matches the mode of the eclipse sign, this period will have a stronger effect on you.

  • The eclipse is expected to impact everyone in some way, regardless of their zodiac sign.

  • Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) may experience a more profound response to this eclipse cycle as they are occurring on the Aries/Libra axis

 All of us are going to want to pay attention to the house in which the eclipse falls as this is particularly important. This can highlight the area of life that is set for transformation.

1st House: self image, going first, initiating, physical body, self empowerment

2nd House: values, money, possessions, security, self worth, resources

3rd House: communication, siblings, writing, verbalizing, the mind, social media

4th House: home, family, mother, emotional security, traditions, heritage, childhood

5th House: creativity, self expression, play, entertainment, pleasure, love affairs

6th House: service, routines, health, animals, daily work, employment

7th House: personal relationships, marriage, partnerships, negotiations

8th House: intimacy, deep healing, joint resources, transformation, mysticism

9th House: philosophy, travel, higher learning, beliefs, publishing, cultures

10th House: career, public life, reputation, social status, ambition, being seen

11th House: community, friends, humanitarianism, freedom, collective, future,

12th House: things hidden, inner work, subconscious, universe connection

Leading Up to the Eclipse:

  • Anticipate the approaching eclipse weeks in advance.

  • Prepare yourself mentally for potential changes and keep an open mindset.

  • Be proactive in getting ready for what lies ahead.


During the Eclipse:

  • I advise against manifesting during eclipses due to their unique energy.

  • Time is better spent absorbing the energy and lessons from the eclipse.

  • Take a pause, reflect, and observe the unfolding themes during this cosmic event.

  • take time to “clear out” what is no longer needed, in order to make “space” for new growth

  • Take care of your inner world - This is a perfect time for meditation, mantras, mindfulness, journaling, and sound healing


After the eclipse, it's time to put the lessons into practice. Return to your usual routine of setting intentions during the new moon and taking action or celebrating during the full moon. Remember, the eclipse will bring change, you will be changed. This is inevitable. Decisions or events during this time are irreversible.


Eclipses spark significant life events where closure meets new beginnings. They accelerate time, ushering in fresh opportunities and bright prospects, or mark the culmination of certain chapters.

I hope this information has been beneficial as you navigate through the tides of the eclipse season. As we conclude, I encourage you to pay attention to what arises and embrace the changes with grace. Embrace the uncertainty with courage, knowing that the universe is guiding you towards your best interests. Embrace this opportunity for growth, gratitude, and radiance.


Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse


Libra Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse