Libra Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

March 25th, 2024

Eclipses signify significant periods of evolution, change, and transformation.

A powerful eclipse portal opens between March 25 and April 8, revealing where you may be misaligned with your soul's path and destiny.

Opening the portal is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra. During lunar eclipses, there is a focus on endings and letting go. The full moon sheds light on areas where you may be holding on too tightly, staying within your comfort zone, and resisting growth and expansion.

Eclipse Are The Universe's Way Of Getting You Back Into Alignment

Under this lunation, you can anticipate intense emotions and fatigue, which can reveal subconscious patterns and areas where you may have been neglecting your emotional and intuitive signals regarding essential life changes.

This Full Moon lunar eclipse aligns closely with the Spring Equinox, and is asking you to reflect and examine what to leave behind in this astrological new year, urging you to release what no longer serves you, even if you are uncertain about what will come next. It challenges you to break free from recurring patterns, outdated habits, and versions of yourself that you have outgrown.

Full Moon In Libra

A Full Moon in Libra is finding balance between yourself and the relationships that fill your life. It encourages you to stop seeking external validation and approval, and instead foster a strong self-relationship where you prioritize your well-being.

This full moon encourages you to step into your power, break free from comfort zones, discard repetitive patterns, and overcome obstacles that hold you back.

Release Under the Full Moon

Embrace the shedding of old layers during this Full Moon, as it paves the way for new opportunities and growth.

Although the process may seem daunting and uncertain, remember that it will be immensely rewarding in the end.

During these eclipses, choose to let go and surrender to the flow rather than resist. Trust that within you lies the wisdom to navigate through these changes, and embrace this period of evolution, awakening, and preparation for the new chapter ahead. This eclipse portal concludes with the New Moon in Aries on April 8th.

What to do Under This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Because the energy during the eclipse portal is much more intense than that of a usual Full Moon, I would recommend under this Full Moon to do some honest self reflection.

  • Intentionally find time to sit with yourself for reflection

    • Journal

    • Put on some soft music

    • Light candles

    • Get comfortable

  • Full Moons are not all about the work you are going to "do" - they are also a time of celebration

    • Celebrate this first Full Moon of the year and give yourself the accolades you deserve for how far you have come. You are not the person you were a year ago, you deserve that recognition!

  • Under the light of the Libra Full Moon, ask yourself & reflect on these questions:


1. ✨Reflect on Relationships✨: Use this potent energy to evaluate your relationships, both romantic and platonic. Assess the balance and harmony within these connections. Are there any imbalances or unresolved issues that need attention? Take this opportunity to have honest conversations and seek mutual understanding and compromise.


2. ✨Seek Inner Harmony✨: Engage in activities that promote inner peace and harmony. This eclipse highlights the importance of finding balance within yourself. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to center your mind, body, and spirit. Reflect on areas of your life where you may feel out of alignment and take steps to restore balance.


3. ✨Release and Let Go✨: Eclipses are powerful times for release and transformation. Identify any negative patterns, limiting beliefs, or emotional baggage that you're ready to release. Write them down on paper and perform a releasing ritual, such as burning the paper or burying it in the earth, symbolizing your willingness to let go and make space for new growth and opportunities.


By working with the energy of the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th in these ways, you can harness its transformative potential and align with the cosmic currents of change and renewal

Using Your Chart, Find The House Where You Have 5° Libra

This house represents the area of life this Full Moon Eclipse is highlighting for you and reminding you to commit to decisions you make here, making sure your needs are being met, and where a healthy balance is required.

 ✨Ask yourself these questions as it pertains to that area of your life:

    • What are you leaving behind as you step into this new astrological year?

    • In what ways have you remained in your comfort zone and minimized yourself to accommodate others?

    • How have your tendencies to seek external validation and approval hindered your progress?

    • Are there recurring patterns in your relationships where your intuition is urging you to move on or commit wholeheartedly?

Libra through the houses:

1st house: self, self image, leading, going first, initiating, physical body, self empowerment

2nd House: values, money & wealth, possessions, security, safety, spending habits, self worth, resources

3rd House: communication, siblings, day to day environment, short distance travel, writing, verbalizing, the mind & learning, connective technology

4th House: home, family, mother, emotional security, traditions, heritage, childhood

5th House: creativity, self expression, children, play, romance, entertainment, pleasure, love affairs

6th House: service, routines, health, animals, daily work, employment

7th House: personal relationships, marriage, partnerships, negotiations

8th House:  intimacy,  deep healing, joint resources, death, taxes, sex, transformation, inheritance, mysticism

9th House: philosophy, travel, higher learning, beliefs, exploring, religion, publishing, cultures

10th House: career, public life, reputation, father, recognition, accomplishments, social status, ambition, being seen

11th House: community, friends, humanitarianism, freedom, collective, hopes, wishes, dreams, future, innovating

12th House: spirituality, things hidden, meeting the soul, inner work, subconscious, universe connection

As always, if you're unsure about the significance of this eclipse for you or wish to explore further into the upcoming year, consider booking a birth chart reading with me. Together, we can delve into what this eclipse is emphasizing and uncover what the year ahead holds for you.


All About Eclipse


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